Thursday, May 4, 2017

It's Thursday again

We all know what that means. It's time for another installment of the stolen snaps. 

But first I'll update you on this tidbit. I hate hockey. And did you know that even though there are only 12 months in the year, hockey is played 20,000 months a year? Every day and every minute of every day? It's true. If it's not true in your house, it's true in mine. Did I forget to say I hate hockey? Well I do.  

It's a busy weekend and it begins today. We now have a one year old in the family and her name is Anna Jane. 
She went from this...
To this....
In the blink of an eye. 
Sugar and spice and all things nice....

The happiest of one year old birthdays to Miss Anna Jane. I'm so glad you're in the family and making a name for yourself. You are loved by many and prayed for every day. I declare she is blessed with the longest and healthiest and happiest life in Jesus name. 

Onto the snaps since it's way late and I have to be up at 8:00. Ugh. 
We stop for passing turtles.
Dinner at church is always a challenge for my attitude and my buds. 
Jack's getting to be such a big boy!
This is a good representation of how I felt that day, but I hate it when I don't catch my mistake when captioning my snapping. 
This was real and true, it had been four weeks since I'd been to the beauty parlor. But this look. How do you spell yeesh?
This is real and true too. I do like this look.  
But I think this looks better....not good....but better. 
I look like a certain crazy school board member and it's frightening.
It does make a statement. I think it could work. 
I like commitment to the silliness. 
Weird but great. And it's good for covering double chins. Mine, not hers.  
This child is one. 
Addy is basking in the glow of a late afternoon sun in this weed that is not grass. It LOOKS like shamrock but is not. It's annoying. 
An any day work place possibility for Emma. 
Christmas plants in May. That's just weird. 
Even Anna looks like the crazy school board lady. 
Carlie was in our state's capitol this week. 
I've been outside the capitol but never inside. History was made at that spot. 
Tiny state and American flags are a staple in the capitol and in Christian schools. Were you on a school field trip? 
Yoga for a girl who likes to be close to her Mom. This is a great representation of motherhood and the lack of personal space.  
He was very nice and my eyes got a passing grade for one year. 
I realize this post is heavy on pics of me, but oh well. 
Washington drives some to drink.
This picture fascinates me because it looks as if she's in frozen water. Hashtag she's not. 
Jacky B with a weird pink doo dah on his head.
Another Jack rabbit!
Marlie gives some of the best attitude with her face and eyes. As good as any dog has ever given. 
Then there was a housewarming party for Carlie and who knew you could get your own snap filter? I did not. 
We got a filter, it's time to partay!
I think the surprise was the filter from Lindsey.
I think this was Carlie seeing the surprise. 
Then all peeps joined in the filter fun. Anna's holding a pig in a blanket. Pretentious people like to call that a kolache.  
Cute dress Carlie!!!!
That's a lot of Louis Vouis on that couch.
Anna was the smallest girl there. 
I don't think she was thrilled about the plant. 
She already knows the phone is the thing. 
A couch full of hostesses. Get up and get me a pig in a blanket!
Carlie's favorite part of the warming was being watched as she opened gifts and read cards. Hashtag no it wasn't.
Anna wasn't trying to escape. Look at THAT cute filter.
Ice eating, a great American baby pastime. 
Cute pic!
Another angle of the opening. 
Gmaw came to the warming. 
A rare sighting of Whitney in a snap.
She knows not about snapping. 
You'll not see her again unless someone else snaps her. 
Maggie is clairvoyant when grabbing a hostess gift. 
Olivia had to work and therefore missed the warming, so she really did just come for the filter. 
And there you go again. This is all I do here now. I still have so many snaps I'm getting over it. 

But I have to be up early tomorrow morning and it's gonna hurt. Then I'm planning a full day of working in my backyard to try to bring it back to life. It needs a facelift for sure. 

I'm off to bed and it's not even Friday yet. 

Wink wink.


Mollie_Walker said...

Do not give up on the snap posts because I love them!!!! This post had more recent snaps and I still loved it! Sugar bean made this post and she is SO CUTE!!!

Anonymous said...

I was a snapping fool at the house warming!! Melanie

John said...

Great snaps - I likes seeing them. Hockey is better than football!!!

gnar car said...

hahahahahah i still shudder at the thought of opening the gifts in front on everyone. I LOVE SNAP THURSDAYS!!