Tuesday, May 16, 2017

An update on the refrigerator messages

Another week has come and gone, and more messages have been left on the refrigerator.

Pretty sure I know who put this one up since May 8th was Olivia's birthday.  
The lower message is just a reminder about Jesus and also that there are never enough magnetic S's in our house.

The next message also speaks for itself. But after I wrote it out, I was concerned that smart aleck people I live with might just go get stuff off shelves in my house and hand it to me. The message seemed too literal. 

So after some reflection, I changed it to say more plainly and accurately what I meant.  
And to ensure I got good gifts....

So then I found my message revamped. 
I've done all I can to make people behave and always use good language skills. Frankly I'm exhausted from it. 

Then a message from the Titanic movie showed up with a barb thrown at the Beebs for some reason. 
It was revealed who left this message because the Beebs outed Kit Kat though Snapchat. I'm mixing my posts because this is a stolen snapper. 

Then someone decided to make a statement after seeing that shocking message. 
It causes one to pause and wonder....

Not really. I've told y'all I'm not that deep.

This is the latest frig message and I think we all know who posted this one. 
That would be me!

It's Tuesday and I'm posting a post. 

Listen and feel....

The world did not tip off it's axis. 

Enjoy this people.

It will never last.

1 comment:

Mollie_Walker said...

I came to check for the snap post and found something outside of the regularly scheduled programming! Loved it! Makes me want to go buy magnetic letters and see what we come up with!