Thursday, May 18, 2017

The ants and the chronological snaps of February

It's Thursday already and I can't believe it. Here's a little post about the week and then straight to the snaps. 

On Monday of this week I found ants in the kitchen. I moved stuff and found multi ants running the roads of my kitchen counters. I was not happy. I found most of them in the window sill. I then began looking for ant traps because I knew we had some. This caused me to have to clean out a shelf in a cabinet in my utility room, where I found my missing yard clippers. I also found the traps which were liquid poison, that if used properly, traps the ants and doesn't spill on the counters. That was stupid. I don't want liquid poison just hanging out in the kitchen. 

I used a wet paper towel to get all the running ants I could find. I was annoyed the whole time. After all ants were dead, I set the trap out and walked out of the kitchen. When I came back later, I discovered the poison had leaked out onto the kitchen window sill and new ants were gathered round. Picture cows at a water trough. I was annoyed again. I then cleaned up the poison, found their entry point at the bottom of the window, filled the holes with caulk and John sprayed poison outside. Done and done. 

I left the trap in the window and didn't see any ants on Tuesday. Problem solved. On Wednesday I walked into the kitchen and found so many ants I just can't tell you. All in the window, running errands and living large. So many. So annoyed. I found two more entry points and caulked them and cleaned up everything. Killed as many ants as possible and was done again. The liquid poison trap was filled with dead ants. So. Gross. 

To my surprise Wednesday afternoon John came home and told me he saw a bunch of ants in the kitchen that morning. "Ummmm what? And you just left them there?" He said he was letting them drink the poison to take back to their nest so they would kill all ants. It would be a massacre. My words not his. I WAS SO ANNOYED. There was a squirmish and he tried to teach me something and I told him to stop talking and blah blah blah. I'm still pist. You know gasoline isn't dangerous until someone lights a match. John walked in with a box of matches. 

That's all I have to say about that. 

Since I've been saving the stolen snaps, I've made folders to store them because it's much easier to add them to my blog that way. BUT. Sometimes I lose the context from which they came. So this time I decided to give myself a headache by doing a stolen snaps post in chronological order from the 9 gazillion pictures I have on my computer. Which reminds me there were 9 gazillion ants in my kitchen this morning that John shared quality time with, before high fiving them and then going to work. Color me still annoyed. 

Moving on like an almost grown up.  

Today's snaps are from February, when Caitlin and Olivia flew from Dallas to DC to celebrate Emma's birthday with her. While they were there, we were all in our places with bright shining faces. So here's what I did. I used their snaps from DC and added ours in order so we could see what we were doing while they were doing what they were doing. Got it? 

Listen, I've got to spice these posts up somehow because they are starting to bore me to tears. 

Lets see what we were all doing back in February...

The trip began with Olivia driving to Dallas where she and Caitlin went shoe shopping and then eating burgers in Uptown. 
Suddenly I'm very hungry. 
For the two girls, the next morning it was up and at em early early early. 
I know I already posted this pic but, chronological people. I had to repost it. Chronological is a difficult word for me to type out. 
Thank you Jesus for safe travels. 
That same day, Melanie was being a basketball face in Monroe. It's ALMOST as much fun as being in DC. 
In my opinion, Caitlin made a bad decision and ordered slop uncooked meat for lunch. It's so gross and therefore a hard pass for me.
Then they went into the National Gallery of Art for a restroom break. That's an extreme place for a restroom break. 
I feel as if we missed some snaps, but then they were home. 
They decided to get her cake early so as to enjoy it for many days. 
This is how they communicated with me while they were gone. It annoyed. 
The next day I was getting ready for church to pray for their eternal souls. I tried to improve my look. Hashtag fail.
At church, Carlie was annoyed that the words to a song shorten the word every to ev'ry. I agree with her. 
Becky and Keith were in Florida on their state wide tour while the rest of us fainted because Becky had snapped. 
The girls were ubering in Dc.
While Eleanor was showing off her blue eyes in Pennsylvania. 
While Olivia was looking at....goat cubes. That's goat cubes. Hashtag get outta here with those goat cubes. 
What a beautiful building. Too bad politics is disgustingly ugly.
Same pic with some added flair. 
Apparently the bus tours were THE best thing they ever did while in DC. 
So they took multi multi multi.
A reflecting photo about the bus tour.
They saw lots of things while saving the feet. 
Abraham's house. Have you ever heard of how Abraham was buried and where he ended up before being interred for a final time? It's outrageous. 
Meanwhile, back in Laffy, Jack seemed bored out of his gourd. I bet he would love a good DC bus tour.
Trump Hotel. He lives at the White House. 
Meanwhile again, back in Louisiana, William was playing soccer in the warm Louisiana sun. 
James was picking flowers for me. He's such a charmer.
The girls were perpetually riding and riding and riding. 
At the Walker house, baby Blake had some more time to incubate as we waited for the day when we would see her sweet face and meet her in person. 
Anna was learning to crawl into odd places and pretend watch TV.
Mom was just barely staying above water. That nose has to come out of that water Linds. Get some air woman!
Carlie was going on a walk while praising the Lord that politicians made a holiday called president's day. 
And people from Louisiana to DC snapped the great Abraham Lincoln in honor of presidents. This is Obviously Mollie. 
I have no idea who this is. Is that blond hair? Is that you Emma? But I see a seat belt. Someone identify yourself.
Ahhh George's monument on Prez's day. Very fitting. 
The cool people were back in Louisiana looking over Mom's shoulder. Those were fun times. 
No Idea. None.
This is me because I recognize my whining and the pics in the wall. 
Uh uh. 
Are you people back on a bus?
Were y'all in DC for two weeks?
The Pentagon vs a pentagon. Two things that are the same, but very different. Not sure that made sense, but it's staying. 
Have mercy. Touring or did you all become bus drivers?
Hmmm, the Beebs was done with Georgetown. 
There may have been some tenseness amongst the sisters whilst on the trip.
Squinty there turned 26. 
I know this is Melanie because I recognize that shirt. 
Then it was time for the two to leave the one. Insert Mom's tear here. 
Goodbye with a little royal wave.
Back in Louy, I took pics of tiny flowers in my backyard. 
The Swanders created a traffic jam. I thought to say this before I read what the pic said!
I know who the banker in the fam is. So this has to be Carlie!
It's the world's fair!!!! Or a small one in town with carny people who are sketchy. 
Denise was getting bubbly in Pennsylvania. 
I was over the top excited about the bubbles in Monroe. 
While Melanie looked pleased with her bubbles too. 
Because you have to ride your scooter out after your nap. 
And in Laffy, Lucas had all the trappings of happiness for an almost three years old. 
I thought Carlie, then looked at the name and became freaked. Lindsey can morph into her sisters quite well. That will have to be discussed in a future post. 
When Olivia arrived home after driving from Dallas, I had two surprises for her. One nice, one offensive. In fairness to me, she was being snarky on the phone when I called to check on her enroute. So, she got a prize and these random gummy letters. They just FELL out of the gummy bag!
And there you have the chronological happenings of some of us in February 2017. 

I looked up the stuff about Lincoln's burials. Yes, there were multi, and because it's not a peppy subject, I shall address it in a future post. Besides, I have some reading to do before morn and it's already fake Thursday! 

No laughing about me reading. It's really gonna happen. At least I hope so. 

I have to go! 

Bu bye!

1 comment:

Mollie_Walker said...

The bus tour 😂😂😂 good reminder of their adventures. Hope the ant saga is over... for John's sake 😳