Thursday, April 6, 2017

It's Snappy Thursday

This day is moving fast. We got home Monday from our extended trip to Texas and at that time, Thursday was a million miles away. Now it's here and my post is far from finished. News flash: This may be a pattern of procrastination. I'll have to take some time and think about that. 

Texas was VERY eventful. SO many things happened and I'll try to rehash some or all of it soon. I wish I had a court reporter person to go along with me to take all the notes of the events. It would make it so much easier to remember. But I don't, so it makes it so much harder! 

After our Texas trip what I DO remember is, I'm grateful for indoor plumbing that works as it should. I don't want to know where a septic tank is located or have to search for a missing one. I don't want to know where anything goes when you flush a commode. I want to be carefree and toss my hair as I just flush and go. It's all so primitive when things aren't working properly. I have pictures of almost all the things I just talked about but I can't post that today, because do you know what day it is? 

It's Snapchat Thursday! 

And if I hurry, I'll make it just under the wire. So lets get to it. 
This looks like a sun visor that Mollie may have gotten from PBS after a mediocre donation to their channel. 
This looks like a discarded prototype for a new and different crown for Queen Elizabeth.
I still think I nailed this description. 
I'm relieved to see that Lucas has the same googely eyes that Melanie had in her snap. I was worried for a sec. 
This looks as if Billie was celebrating New Years, but grabbed the wrong hat.
This is so weird and I have no idea who this is, but it went along with my yellow theme that began this post.
We had curlers like this when I was little. They clipped into your hair. This is a very mature look for Lucas. 
If people still look like this when getting "bed ready" it needs to stop. No offense Mollie. 
At 8:10?! There's so much night left old lady!
And yet it's not. 
Even with the cow nose, the glasses are presh. 
People seem to be happy with their cow faces. 
I just think cow glasses is good home economics. 
I bet a cow never said that. 
It looks like this cow is getting in some light reading. 
But look what you woke up with? A purple shiny beard.
This is true. 
James is that you?
This happened to me the other day. I have no idea how it got changed, but Olivia informed me that Snapchat protocol was to set it at 10 seconds. Consider this a public service announcement.  
You DO look super chill Kit Kat. 
But she looks like a cute sad clown. 
This is a still shot of me saying the clown was creepy. And it was. 
Crying for multi hours is never cool.
I censored this snap because what was said was better left unsaid. 
Tis true. 
One more donzos. This may be getting old to some, so I may need some feedback.  

On this day Emma began her journey home to Louisiana from DC at 11:00 A.M. and at 11:00 P.M. she's not yet arrived. She was supposed to be here by 5 on Thursday, but is spending the night in Atlanta at the airport and I hope to see her face before noon on Friday. Not a good day for travel on the east coast. Planes may be all fancy flying through the air, but old fashioned storms can kick their butt. 

One last thing, last week I used a function I thought would automatically post my snapper post on Thursday. It did not. When I discovered it didn't post, I was able to manually do it using my phone. Blogger, needs to fix that. I don' get why it has a time and day setting I can choose, if it still has to be posted manually. That's dumb. And that's all I have to say about that.  

I have so much info and so many pics about the Texas trip, it would be really great to see it. Lets hope I do it. I have to say my motivation is so low I just can't express it coherently. 

But now I have to admit that I didn't finish this until Friday at 1:56, but I'm making it post on Thursday anyway. I have a hard time not telling on myself. I do it pretty often. Olivia hasn't taught me very well. That girl's a vault on herself.

I have got to go to bed now. 

Safe travels to all always. 


Anonymous said...

I love the snapchat posts because my old brain doesn't remember snaps that are so quick js~Melanie

Mollie_Walker said...

I vote the snap posts continue! I look for them every Thursday! It's fun to relive them!