Thursday, March 16, 2017

What comes with March?

It's March, so there's madness. It's been 11 months since the madness was last here. I think Olivia loves March Madness more than Christmas. There's so much to do and prepare for this time of the year. There are brackets to fill out, but there is discussion to be had first. Text messages are flying back and forth between basketball people in the family regarding which teams to pick and what seed is here, there and everywhere. Vacation days are being taken for the once a year event. John and Olivia are at this very moment in a deep discussion. Olivia just said, "You've gotta look at the talent level there." John, "What's his name from West Virginia was on the radio the other day..." I've heard more about Gonzaga in the last three days than ever, ever ever.


Beginning tomorrow, there will be basketball and food consumption. They go hand in hand. Mail order foods have already begun to be delivered. Meal plans are in place, so let the games....literally....begin!

Carlie sent this snap this afternoon with the song, "It's the most wonderful time of the year." 
The basketball people will be bug eyed by Sunday, but very happy. Unless their brackets get busted. Even still they will be happy.  

Another thing that's tomorrow/today is Stolen Snapchat Thursday. There's nothing catchy or cool about that title, but it's what we're stuck with. Lets get to it. 

There's basketball to be played and a baby to birth! 
I abandoned this project so long ago and it remains incomplete to this day. But in transcribing my old calendars, I ran across the great opossum debacle. It was a huge debacle. 
Kitty cat Lucas having some Kibbles and Bits. 
Old lady William may be looking for someone to play mahjong with him. I say that, because TV shows used to make fun of old people playing mahjong. But, I always say, if you have to explain the joke it's not funny. I just did so...
We are, because it's Wednesday, but this will post on Thursday, which is halfway back to Monday. 
Remember this fun day? I do. 
Feelin the beat and looking so cool. After spending time with Jack last weekend I can confirm he's discovered that he has rhythm in his soul. 
This is a little lipsticky.
Yep, Billie is lipsticky too. 
This looks less like a panda and more like my head is surrounded by a toilet bowl. It's disturbing. 
I think this goes back to vacay last summer. 
Less toilet bowly and more panda here on William.
Two cute boy puppies. 
This is straight up hilarious. 
Hopefully the only purple hair he will ever have on his head. 
Here's an anecdote about me and William discussing things in cars. I always get in trouble with William and discussing things in cars. Way least a year or so...we were passing a local high school and he asked what school it was and I told him and said, "We NEVER root for them." Well not long after that, he was in the car with his mother and they rode past the same school and he said, "We NEVER root for them." Lindsey asked, "Who told you that?" He said, "Sasa." Ratted me right out.

So here's the latest...

The other night we were going to Chick-fil-a and he pointed to a tattoo parlor and asked what it was and I said, "It's a place where they draw on your skin with needles and it hurts. Tattoos are bad. You will NEVER want a tattoo." I consider that conversation a public service to his parents. They can thank me later. 

Now back to snapping...

I was on the fence about these next ones. Some might consider them scary. Others might want to kill me. Some might ask the snap people why this was a good idea. Conceptually, it was not. But here we go anyway. Witness protection here I might come... 
Starting with me to take the heat off...I hope no one ever sees this. FYI, I decided against it being my new signature look. 
I told Carrie when I saw this to be expecting to see it again. As I told her, you've seen what I put on here of myself, you should be worried. 
This glum lady with a big red bow on her head looks as if she had some dental work done and she's still recovering. 
This is even weird on kids. 
Any kids.
It makes people look dollish.
This is straight up scary. 
Not many had the guts to do the big red bow, so I applaud those of us who did. 

This next one is one of my faves. 

Mitt Ins!! 
Who doesn't love a colorful mitten/glove with multi Carlie faces on it?
Anna loves it!
The mitten speaks. 
Many mitten faces, all with consternation on them. 
Anna reboot. 
Six Lucas' in a mitten. 
This is committing to the moment. 
I think this is Lauren but not totally sure. 
I'm devastated that I didn't do the pink hair one. Seriously. 
I apparently sent Owen a picture of a pist Addy. He uses an alternate spelling of her name. 
There's gotta be a canasta tournament somewhere nearby. 
It was a James bday!
It's a bold makeup for sure.
I think the word I'm looking for here is exuberant.
This is not a funny jester.
But is it called a harlequin mask? 
It's a Mardi Gras mask for sure. 
It makes everyone look sad. 
And once again, this is just straight up scary. 
There you have it. Another snap post in the can. I have so many stolen snaps I just can't tell you, but I've culled some that weren't news worthy. 

In the meantime, today Blake Etheredge will make her debut and we're so excited!! I can't wait to meet Miss Blake and welcome her into the family. I'm currently awaiting news from the hospital as we speak. I'm praying for fast, painless and easy delivery with a happy beautiful baby girl on the outside instead of the inside. 

I know it will all be well.  

I'll be posting about her soon so come back and see her first pic on the blog!

I'm out for now. It's 2:00 AM on March 16th and I have no interesting way to end this so...



Mollie_Walker said...

The stolen snap posts are so fun to read!!

Looking forward to the Blake post 😍😍

CAW said...

Always love to read your blog!!

Anonymous said...

so cute and I LOVE the puppy pic of Lucas and James...from Melanie cause I can only comment anonymously

gnar car said...

i loveeee the snap posts. i need pics of blake!!