Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Blake Etheredge Walker

Last week another sweet soul left heaven and landed in the middle of our family, and we couldn't be more smitten. 
The night before she was born. 
Halfway to her being born. 
Blake Etheredge Walker made a new set of parents on March 16, 2017 at 1:13 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches long. Jared and Colby are the newest of the parent club. They are over the moon with their baby girl. She is as cute as they come.  
It's amazing how full a heart can instantly become when your baby comes into the world, but it's that way for new parents, and their families. Love comes flooding in for this tiny human, the one you dreamed of and planned for. That love, steady and strong will be the anchor for her, as a baby, a toddler, teenager and adult. It's what good parents do. I'm proud to be related to many good parents. 

There's so much planning when a couple finds out they're going to have a baby. They plan a nursery, have a baby shower, prepare their house, pick a name. Then, finally the birth day comes, the baby arrives, and nothing will ever be the same. Because tiny fingers and tiny toes are what matters. Ten and ten to be exact. 

Grandparents are busting at the seams. 

That's a brand new Dad.
Her forever protector. 

Great grandmothers somehow impart all their love and wisdom to this wonderful soul. 

Tiny feet have to be inspected. 

Then the day comes when you realize the hospital expects you to leave and take the baby wth you. It's quite stark and overwhelming when you realize you're her only protectors. Her only providers. And you have to figure it all out. Instantly priorities become about who she is and how she is and what she needs and is she cold or hot? Is she hungry or sleepy? Does she need a nap or a diaper change? These are the questions new parents think about all of the time. It's all consuming and wonderful and exhausting and what life will be like for the next.....forever. And it's simply the greatest. 

Some day, when she's older, we'll tell her about how we waited to hear the words, "She''s here!" And how happy she made us all when she became the newest member of our family. 

Last Thursday one tiny person was added to us and for now, we're complete.

So off she goes to begin making a lifetime of firsts. 

Blake Etheredge Walker

God bless you with the longest and happiest and healthiest life.

We will love you forever.


Mollie_Walker said...

Such a PERFECT post about Blake! 💜💜💜

Anonymous said...

Blake is beautifully and wonderfully made! Thank you Jesus for all our wonderful grand babies!!! Sweet sweet post!! ~Melanie

gnar car said...


Becky said...

Perfection all around. What a doll baby!

CAW said...

For ever and the post love sweet baby girl Blake!!!! And all the family 💜