Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What a week it was

It's been so long since I've been able to sit down and write anything...two weeks to be exact. But as we all know, there's been a lot going on in the family, babies and graduation being at the forefront of it all. To be fair to myself, I'd been working on Christmas and girls' weekend posts, but now all that must take a back seat to the most important news, the newest and smallest members of the family.  

Lets go back and see what happened and when. 

As Murphy's Law states, "all important things will happen within 15 seconds of each other." OK, I really don't know if there's a written Murphy's law and if so, what it states, but you know that statement's true a lot of times. Especially during this time in our family in regards to babies' due dates and Maggie's graduation. These important life events were within days of each other and the question was for some of us. WiIl we be able to make it to all?  Waiting games can be frustrating when trying to make plans, and while we would speculate about times, places and what if and how to and yada yada yada..... We knew the babies in the Mom's tummies were also in the driver's seat. So we waited and wondered and continued to plan and hoped for any news while the two respective children laughed in utero. Who would deliver first? Lauren or Lindsey? And since everyone already knows, I can't make this suspenseful at all. So I'll just say that on February 27 Lindsey went into labor and James was on the clock for joining the family in person, but hopefully before we all had to leave for Maggie's graduation on March 1. Turns out he was very cooperative and accommodated us quite nicely with an afternoon arrival on February 28.

And while Lindsey labored, the rest of us came and went and waited and walked. Some of us more comfortable than others.

This is a picture of me and Lindsey (while she was having a contraction) in the delivery room rear view.....and I'm not even kidding about that. Not intrusive AT ALL.
William came to the hospital to color and show his support. 
He was super excited about it.
And then we had sweet baby James to admire.
The family plus one minus one.
William looking at his baby brother.
But not long after he was born, the decision was made to send James to the NICU and then began a different, much less fun game of waiting.

So with James in the NICU, and before Lauren went into labor, the rest of us were able to attend Maggie's graduation...our very first at LA Tech. As always the seat holders arrived first....and I'm not even kidding. At 8:00 A.M. FIRST of every single person attending...chose our seats and settled in to wait for the graduation to begin. Two. Hours. Later. And it did. 
Maggie with diploma in hand
And with Gmaw
All these people are laughing because as I was standing there waiting to take this picture, a man ambled around in front of me absolutely clueless that I was trying to take a picture. My wish was to thump him.   
After the graduation ended, some (remember some equals four) made a mad dash to Texas, just in time for inclement weather, while others waited in anticipation of another baby's arrival. While John, Emma, Olivia and Maggie huddled up in Texas due to ice and sleet, our waiting turned full focus on the Lafayette Turners and baby Lucas' arrival. 

On Tuesday night, and after many tests and lots of poking and prodding, it was decided there was nothing wrong with baby James. And as Lindsey was finding out she was going home the next day, Austin called Melanie saying Lauren's water had broken and plans were quickly made by Monroe peeps to get there as soon as possible. John and the girls had not long been home when we gassed up for the drive to south Louie. Melanie, Randy, Carrie and I drove in two cars leaving town around 9ish... And let me say if you're a night person, it's the best driving time ever. We had the highway to ourselves and made great time arriving at the hospital only to find Lauren still had a baby bump. So the four weary travelers went to the house while the weary laborers stayed at the hospital and bedded down for the night. The next morning found us headed back to the hospital for another day of waiting, coming, going and more waiting. 
This is what waiting people look like.
And just as Lindsey and James made a dash from the hospital for home in Monroe, baby Lucas' made his much anticipated debut. 
Sweet baby Lucas all swaddled up.
New parents just made. Looks like Lucas is already singing a little tune. 
Proud Dad taking his wee tot to the nursery. 
I'm detecting a little stink eye here on the cute newborn. 
And that's the last week in a nutshell as I remembered it in photos. 

And here's what I know. With two new healthy babies and one new graduate added to our mix, I'd say our family was blessed beyond measure. It surely was a successful week of new memories made. And while not all of us can be at all the important family events, our quantity is such that we can at least send some excited representatives to as many as possible. Besides our presence, there's always texts and emails and photostreams flying around in large numbers. I'd say we do a good job of staying connected. And wasn't it sweet of God to let Melanie and Randy be at all their families' stuff? He worked it all out because He knew how important it was. And there you have the week that was. I'll be breaking down each event in the days to come.  

And now that everyone is all snug in their homes, the next order of business is to watch these little boys grow, spoil them and then send them home to their parents. 

It's gonna be fun. 


gnar car said...

life is pretty good, i'd say!!!

Mollie_Walker said...

YAAAAAYYYYYY for a new post! A very HAPPY new post!

Anonymous said...

Blessed beyond measure is so true. So grateful for our 2 new healthy babies. Only by the grace of God are we so blessed!!

Unknown said...

So blessed!