Monday, March 24, 2014

Some stuff AND it's James birth day

People. Photostream is killing my blog. How can I continue to repost photos we've all already seen on photostream? It's a current problem. Another current problem regarding blogging is the missing plane. I HAVE to watch the news as much as possible in case something actually breaks. I'm obsessed. One last and real current problem is, for the first time in many years, I was at home and not in Dallas for the beginning of March madness. And it's been freaking tense around here. March madness Olivia is no more fun that grad school Caitlin. Both are buzz killers. Olivia's had full possession of the flickers anytime she's been home and there's been lots of flicking, flicking, flicking between channels and  games while she, Caitlin and John constantly check their brackets in between yelling at the TV about teams ruining their lives. It's all been so stressful to me. And I can't stand seeing dejected basketball boys with towels over their heads because their hearts are broken. It's terrible. At the end of the weekend there will be lots of sad losers as well as sad bracket people. Ugh. It gives me stress. Last night I asked Olivia about Syracuse losing and she said, "It cut me deep." Some of my people as well as Maggie are in an actual basketball money pool. So they have a cool $50 or so on the line. When your'e talking that kind of cash, losing's gonna hurt. We get a breather til next weekend when sweet sixteen will bring more frustration and bracket busting. I can't wait. 

Also if you aren't watching The People's Couch on TV, you are missing out. It's people watching TV and we're watching the people watch TV. It sounds cray. BUT IT ROCKS!

And now down to it. I'm going to try to hit it hard this week and catch up with baby birthing. I hope anyway. I'm starting with James and going in order. I have so many pictures to post I just can't tell you. Pictures we've all seen before. 

It pains me.... 

Let's go back in time to February 28 and see what we see. 

This picture annoys me because it's super cute except for the blazing white stripe on the left causing it to be ruined. So. Annoying. 
This is so cute I may need an insulin shot. 
Worth a repost. Love it.
During the laboring process, something terrible happened, my Ugg was breached by my toe. I'm still not over it. I just relived it and it was awful again. 
Brand new out of the chute.
Emma was in the delivery room and she captured the first moments of the birth.
Minutes old.
Happiness looks like this.

Bill looks wiped out...maybe thinking about college tuitions. That's the doc checking out the bambino one more time. 
Bless his heart.
This is precious. 
And so is this. 
An amazingly awesome woman birthed these girlies. Holla. 
Baby's out, relief everywhere.
Owen popped in for a bit. 
He looks like he's sleeping in a bubble.
Tech time.
With Jared.
Can't cull any cause they're all so cute.
Things they are a changing William. 
Checking out little bro.
A little shot of some of the peeps. 
Found this down the hall. Such a great name. Wish I'd thought of it!
Waiting for baby James to come to the room, before they whisked him off to the NICU.
He's almost there. 
In the room with all of us for a little while. 
Getting in some holds as quick as we can. 
Precious tiny face.
Once more.
One more hold and then they came for him.
And then as we all know James went to the NICU for several days, which changed the entire landscape of the hospital stay. But as we also know they found nothing wrong and he went home a happy healthy little boy. Thank you Lord. 

Another thing, Owen has less than 9 more weeks of high school and he will be finished with it forever. I CANNOT believe it's been 4 years since he began and I thought it was such a bad idea. I was really unhappy about it...him going to Neville that is. And yet he has loved almost all of it and had a wonderful experience there. So much better than me for sure. I worried and fretted and was mad about it and now here I am. Proved wrong. So how many times have I worried about something that turned out fine? Lots. I'm working daily on doing better. But I worry I'm not doing good enough. 

Seems like I've read about not worrying...
Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 

Good advice. Now I just have to practice it. 

Next up. Melanie's pictures of the same birthing. 

Then we will move on to so much more. 

Let's see how many posts by the end of the week! Hope this isn't the only one.

It's only 1:41 and I'm going to bed.

Addy can't believe it.


Unknown said...

Love it!! Fun day until the nicu part.

And the sad basketball boys hurts me.

Anonymous said...

Even though we have seen pics on photo stream they are documented here for ever. Photo streams we all know have to be deleted after a while!! Lovely day until the nicu then 6 days later he was home!!