Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Here's what's doing

These days blogging comes in spurts. I had a good run for a couple weeks and then things happened and I got off track. During the long labor day weekend I started off in hot Louisiana, then went to hotter Texas, then came back and guess what? It was still hot in Louisiana. It's just so freaking hot and it's September. That's not good. 

Last week, after we got home, I took John shoe shopping on a football night. Heaven forbid. Doesn't it seem like professional football comes on every night of the week now? Anyway, we went in search of black shoes and came home with brown, because the brown shoes he was wearing as we were shopping were worthy of a landfill. The man doesn't really care about anything when it comes to clothes as long as he wears something resembling a math teacher. If people still used slide rules, he'd want one of those for his nerdy clothes. Over the years I've done my best to allow him to dress nerdily, not be pist about it and keep on living. I'd give myself a C+ so far. It's a process people. And we're still in search of the elusive black dress shoe for wedding number one. I'm not exactly sure what black shoe I want, but I know what I don't want....cause I've seen a lot of em. It's the only piece missing in order to make wedding history. BUT. Sometime this week, I must begin the entire process all over again, this time with Owen. Sheesh. I'm planning on a D- for that trip, for me at least. For him, if there is a lower grade than F, I feel he will deserve it. I'll let you know when the grades are posted. 

For all of us, school's humming right along. But I've been more annoyed by adults in the first few weeks of this school year than the last two years combined. That's all I have to say about that. 

In between shopping with John I went MOG (that's cool speak for mother of the groom) dress shopping with Melanie and I accidentally emailed her chosen dress to every single person in the family. Sheesh again. Apparently there are no surprises when I'm involved. If only it was possible to unsend an email. 

Then John and I went to our last, first night of the year, parent teacher for Owen. We have two seniors in the house this year. One college and one high school. It's gonna be a full May. The teachers all love the boy. He's done his snow job excellently. But really I can't believe he's graduating this May since it was only an hour ago that I was stressing so much about sending him there. God got an earful about it back then, and when it was all said, by me, I didn't get my way. Shocker. But it seems I was wrong about all the pitfalls he could have experienced. And when you see the finish line in the near distance, it seems silly to have worried so much about everything that might have....could have happened....but didn't. And with these grads coming, I feel as if I'm nearing the end of my second schooling. And I've said multi times, "I'm so done with school when all my kids finish." Then someone reminded me yesterday that if any of my "greats" show up with a pitiful look and a paper due, I'll be like a big ole ball of putty. Sigh.... That's probably  true. So maybe it's just a long break I'm taking since I don't think William will need any help (if any) writing for at least another 12 to 15 years. At which time I'll be 69 to 72. And I just freaked myself out. 

Last Saturday ULM played its first home game of the season and it was about 14 hours long. The opponent brought along its awesome band, not so much the football team. God love em that team needs to get much better. ULM won handily. BUT. Being at the game reminded me I have a very hard time concentrating when I'm there. I get easily distracted by bands and people walking by and what food people are carrying as they are walking by and therefore I spend lots of time hoping for a replay on the big screen. They don't replay as much on the big screen as they do on TV. Which causes me to have to ask John or Olivia what just happened, and then it becomes a really watered down version of listening to the radio and imagining it in my head. I think I'm pretty much just a seat filler. 

Which brings me to Sunday and a birthday party in Shreveport seven of us went to, where I met two people who knew my brother Frank. And when they realized he was my brother, they had very kind words to say of him, but it also caused an impromptu memorial service for the guy who moved to heaven over 15 years ago. And while their words were very sweet, I really wanted to say, "Guys, I'm good. We've moved on." That's not to sound cold AT ALL, because I'm very grateful to have moved on. Really. 

Which then brings me to today with lots happening but nothing to report. That's not really true, but I liked the way it sounded.

Which brings me to more randoms.


Here we go again. 

I love a good shadow.
And a perfect sunflower. 
And a cute silly picture.
Times two.
And an Emma in a workplace. Not a workplace drama. Just a workplace. I'm guessing its academic affairs or the prez's office back in the day. 
And I love a Texas country rode. Never tire of them.
And I love little girls. Saw this one yesterday, she's growing up. It always happens. 
Another version of a shadow puppet. 
Horse + treats = happiness. 
This era is over. He's done for life with baseball. And even though I'm a little sad, it's really OK.
Looks about right for a "grown up" Carlie. I think I know who I'll pass my torch to.  
I hate it when the closest you can get babies to loved ones is at the cemetery. 
Did this with Emma and my lovely little aunties. Sigh....
Maisy looks frightened of something and has two different colored eyes. 
Torpedo dog. 
Billie and Willie. I know I've used that before. But people! Commentary doesn't grow on trees!
Caitlin and William at Kelly and John's wedding. Check out the silly peeps in the background. 
Photo bomb success once agin. 
An Olivia in Corsicana. 
A sunset somewhere in the world.
A dark pic I didn't edit. And I don't even feel bad about it. 
Carlie tryin to be all like, "I'm the queen of tennis."
All intimidating. 
That's so not his seat. 
An ominous sky. No idea where or when or who.

Well peeps maybe I'll post again tomorrow or maybe I'll try to highjack the boy for wedding shopping. Just picture me somewhere in the world sighing or arguing. I'll let you know which one it was after it happens. Cause if dress t-shirts were an option, Owen would have on his sunday best. 

Gotta go make a way for my head to snuggle into my pillow.

It's so tomorrow since I began this.

Even though it says it's today.

I'm a freaking philosopher.  

I just can't spell it on the first try.

Now I'm really done.


gnar car said...

i am the queen of tennis. maybe queen of WATCHING tennis....

love the pics!! can't believe owen is graduating high school!!!

Unknown said...

What good advice. So much wasted worry about things that never happened!