Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Eve at church communion 2012

Once this year's Christmas Eve arrived, it was business as usual, communion at church and then back to Grandma's for breakfast and hanging out. There were two new additions to this year's festivities. The first being William. The second? Well you'll just have to wait and read the next post to find out what it was. 

It's a mini cliffhanger. 

Moving on to the main attraction. 

Dale wrapping up a communion session in prayer. That's not really Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus. It's just an artsy depiction. 
The Billster and the Willster, at his first Christmas communion. And he's not even Catholic!
 A gaggle of girls.
With one being silly.
Improved behavior.
Someone's being weird.
That's a good looking group of guys.
The youngsters. 
Plus Whitney.
Another group of girls with Caitlin being grabby. 
Super cute pic of William with his harem. 
Another attempt at a family portrait, but it seems William thinks Mom's shirt is delicious. 
Ummm no, he ain't feeling it.
Then just as we were headed out the door, we took a picture of the red people. Now even though I have a well documented aversion to matching, Christmas eve and day are two days that I concede to a matching color. I really can't claim red on those two occasions. It'd be like....some amusing analogy that would work here but I can't think of one. But I call Valentine's Day! Stick it! Lick it!
Last one.
Plus my family. Thank you Lord for my family.  

Next up. 

What's the mysterious addition to Christmas Eve 2012? 

Come back and find out. 

Hopefully sooner than later.

1:38 in the A M. Time to go see if my bed is cozy and warm and also to see if John's snoring the popcorn off the ceiling. 

Here's hoping that last one's a no!

God bless us every one. 

That really works all year round. 

1 comment:

gnar car said...

ya'll look so cute in the red!!

at 1:40, i was sleeping sound.