Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My eve's eve at Gmaw's

Take two of the same night. I wonder what we were doing while this camera was snapping. 
Willie D has been enjoying some supper.
Two W's 
Back atcha!
Give me some love!
Back lit hair.
These are basically all of William interspersed with a few people.
Chubby cheeked boy.
If the carol singers looked as cute as this, I'd have a ton of them. 
Looks like he just hit a low note in his song.....or burped.
Thanks to my loyal fans.
The Austin and the Carlie got in a shot.
But we're back to the Willster.
And then a few more people got camera lucky.
No offense.
But William must be in the bathtub or something.
My Christmas present.
William's in the background. 
And he got right into it.
And checked the craftsmanship.
And gave it his approval.
He seemed quite pleased.
With his first Christmas present from his first Christmas. 

Up next, the real eve.

Later to the peeps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The one where your caption is "chubby cheek boy" looks soooo much like bill. Not that I'm saying bill is a chubby cheeked boy or anything.