Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mollie's graduation

With December 2012 last year came another graduation, this time for Mollie's Master of Science degree. So as many of us that could, settled in for one more Christmastime graduation. It's always fun to graduate from something because it's associated with completion of something you worked hard for. It's festive and filled with happy students hopeful for the next thing. And in this day and time, that's something to be proud of and celebrate. At this one, there was a grandfather and grandson graduating together. And I can't lie, it brought a major set of tears to my eyes. It was so sweet. BUT the speaker, who will remain nameless, mostly because I have no idea what her name was, talked and talked and talked and talked, mostly about herself. If I'd had a hook, I'd have yanked her off the stage. But finally she ran out of wind and we got down to what was important. Apparently she'd never heard the old adage, be bold, be brief, be gone!

Let's break this down people.
As many times as I've attended college graduations, it always begins with empty seats.
And excited graduates and parents getting ready before the ceremony.
Arriving early.
And looking forward to the day.
Grandma always arrives JUST before the president enters. 
And spectators spectate.
And smile for the camera.
As we wait.
For the faculty to march in...after the big stick of knowledge of course.
And then the graduating graduates arrive and take their seats. And then all the seats are filled.
And each and every person is very excited to leave with an empty diploma holder.
Then you
Heave a huge sigh of relief.
And make memories.

With the ones you love.

Once more.
Plus one.
Knowing all along....
Things will never stay the same.
As they were this day.
Because as we grow up and out.
We have no idea what the future holds.
But we know who holds our future.
I can feel the sisterly love coming through in this photo.
But family is family.
And we've been through so much together.
Remembering what's most important.
And that no matter where we go....
You're always welcome with open arms.
Because God put each of our smaller families together.
To make one big happy one.
And sissies are always forever. Why do I feel like this will be a Christmas gift from Whitney to Mollie, or from Mollie to Whitney, or heaven forbid from Whitney and Mollie to Jared. Look out Jared, you're about to get hozed....again. 
Me and my grad.
And even though graduations mark the end of something, it's also the beginning of so many possibilities. Even though I like things to stay the same, I'm grateful for new beginnings. So God bless all the graduates as they go forward with hopes and dreams and expectations and anticipations of all the things to come. 

I hope it's better than they could have ever imagined. 

Here's to dreaming big and seeing them come true.


gnar car said...

fabulous post!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved that!!!

Mollie_Walker said...

HOORAY!! I don't remember that lady's name... I know she talked a lot about time... Which was ironic.. Because she took up WAY too much time talking.