Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here's another one

Thanksgiving was once again a huge success. Turkey was cooked and eaten. Dressing and all the sides were prepared and consumed more than one time, and I got my stretchy pants out. There was much coming and going by many people before we gathered together to eat some bird. Of course I have pictures to post, but I have to get them all together. And school has started back and we got our Christmas tree and my house is in flux due to decorating and and and.....I have so much to do that I can't possibly have time to do it all.

For now, here's one more old phone photo finds post. Because we all know when I get an idea, I have to beat it to death. Hence another old phone photo find post. I still haven't found some really old pictures that I remember having, but have no idea what happened to them. Gadzooks! Where could they be? I don't know but I shall continue searching through files and files of pictures until I find them or exhaust all my looking. 

Here's hoping! 

Another great photo of the Billie June.
I don't hate this.
Addy stoically sitting in the foreground, Cammie in the back.
Addy with her bounty from Petsmart. 
On another trip to the pet store, Addy was sniffing so as to choose her food. OK, that's not really true. BUT! That's what it looks like. And I believe Whitney would believe it.
One of my fav pictures of Caitlin taken at Mt. Vernon on their trip to DC. Love it. 
This is an example of my people driving me crazy. What Olivia is trying to prove in this picture is that the jacket is too tight for her when she does that. But I contend that I've never seen any of my people....or any people for that matter....walk like this while wearing a jacket. So therefore this argument is RIDICULOUS!!
After seeing this picture of John, apparently I married a twelve year old. He's holding a cute Caitlin. And if that's Carlie, then the two of them have been communicating since they were babies.  
Always worth a repost. I love this photo!
This was taken at Olivia's high school graduation party. A year from May she will graduate again, this time from college. Cannot believe that. 
Another grad party pic. Love.
This was from a Dallas trip the girls and Grandma took a few years ago. They had a blast together. 
Same trip, enjoying some refreshment. 
No autographs please. 
I took this photo at the pumpkin patch in Corsicana. It's one of my million favorite pics. 
Addy waiting to eat the mailman, or for someone to come home. And if you need an ice cream freezer, I can't spare one. 
Love this picture of the yard. That's Dottie next to the pool. That dog can still slay me. Sigh......
Just plain beautiful.
Another super favorite photo. That's Lindsey and Carlie. 
Sweetness hanging with Big Frank. 
John took this way back in the day and even though I've posted it before, it's worth another.
OMG. Grasses in Corsicana....doesn't get better than this. 
This is from a trip to purchase our Christmas tree at Royal Feed and Seed on the day after Thanksgiving. Owen is a teeny boy here. He's not any more. He's a hairy legged, truck driving 17 year old. How is that possible? 
Stephanie took this photo and I love it so much. 
This photo is ridiculous. Just how far did I need to stand away from them in order to take the photo? If you get a magnifying glass, you'll see it's Maggie, Emma and Olivia way back there. 

I'm now so tired I have to go to bed. 

 Party on Wayne...


Unknown said...

Love the old photos and Carlie amd Caitlin talking is precious!!!!

Anonymous said...

They are all such great pics I LOVE them!!!!

Caitlin said...

In the photo of dad and I with Carlie and me talking, it could be Owen! Their profile is almost the same!!

gnar car said...

i agree, caitlin!

there is no second guessing the paternity of your son, lisa. as if there EVER would be but I'm just saying. two peas in a pod.