Thursday, June 16, 2011

This photo op ended better the second time around

Remember these photos of my wee ones? I posted them in 2009 and told the story of what happened as I was taking the pictures. See, what had happened was, small little girl Caitlin dropped baby Olivia ON THE CONCRETE as I was trying to take a photo of them on the porch at my aunt's house. It ended badly with a scuffed up baby and a sobbing mother. It wasn't pretty.

But even though these pics caused me much trauma, the progression of Caitlin's face is seriously one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. You can tell SHE knows this is gonna end badly but she can't do a thing to prevent it.

Shortly after this picture was taken, the "bounce heard round the world" occurred. Caitlin's face is PRICELESS.

Well, when we were at 212 a couple weeks ago, some wiseacre suggested I recreate the photo of my three girls from 19 years ago. WHAT?!?!?! Nineteen years!!!! WHAT?!?!?!

I'm happy to report on the second try, Caitlin didn't drop Olivia. But.....she also knows Olivia would have punched her a good one if she had.

And they all lived happily ever after.
MOST of the time.....


Anonymous said...

still funny every time I read it. Those faces are priceless. Emma's face pretty much the same then and now. Oh and 1 pic just wasn't good enough? You got it on the first one but in those days we just guessed and hoped we got the pic. Today is sooo much easier and better

gnar car said...

hahahahhahaha i laughed all over again.

so funny!!!