Friday, June 17, 2011

Owen's 16th birthday party

We celebrated Owen's 16th birthday in Corsicana, and I could prattle on about how I can't believe my youngest is 16, but I'm not gonna. Just know I'm thinking it 100% of the time. I have to admit this birthday wasn't my best effort, even though Owen said he had a great day. We were there.....and his presents were here.....and it was just a cluster. I didn't forget the presents, I got clearance from him that I didn't have to take them to Texas.

The only other birth day celebrated in Corsicana was Olivia's first. Just a bit of trivia.

Here's how the day played out. All six of us went for a walk about at Gander Mountain, a sporting/fishing/hunting store in town. It's not Emma's and my favorite but we muddled through doing the following:

While the others were looking at kayaks and camping crap, Emma and I decided to have a photo op of the stuff we were browsing through but would never purchase since we'd NEVER use it. Camping was marked off my bucket list LONG AGO. My opinion about nature is, go rub elbows with it and then go back to a hotel where they have comfy beds, bathrooms, running water and TVS! When I was in college I went on a week long school sanctioned trip to Tennessee and Kentucky. I washed my hair in a freezing cold stream, showered 2 times in a week, slept in a mummy bag on the ground without an air mattress of any kind, woke up in a tent to a driving rainstorm, slept in a shelf on the side of a cliff because our tents were soaking wet from waking up to a driving rainstorm and froze my butt off in 30 degree weather while living outside in the frigidness. So stick a fork in me. I'm done.

In light of that story, and because I know Emma, I'm calling these pics....this is as close as Emma will ever get to....sleeping in a tent and camping out in the wild. Sleeping in a tent in the pasture in Corsicana (which has yet to be successfully done by anyone except Big Frank) doesn't count since there's running water and a bathroom very nearby. Emma looks happy and somewhat enchanted doesn't she? It's because this is as close as she'll ever get to being cold and wet and crazy enough to go camping.

Olivia may be the only person in this photo that would consider giving camping a try......and that's a maybe.

This is DEFINITELY as close as Emma will ever get to deer hunting. When she was invited into this contraption by her sweet and loving sisters, they promptly locked her in and walked away. When I happened upon her, this is what I saw pitifully calling out, "Mom help me!"

This is ABSOLUTELY as close as Emma will ever get to fishing, although on second thought, I think she might give beach fishing a try. She looks like a natural, flip flops and all. Now that I think about it, Emma's name could be interchangeable with Becky's.

"This totally goes with my outift!"

When we finished at Gander.....that's what us regulars call it.....we then went to Don Joses' Mexican restaurant on 7th avenue which was excellent. We had a fun time going out to eat in Corsicana for only the second time I can recall. But what the heck's the deal with the Mexicant Restauran? How can you mess that up? Surely one million people have told them about it by now.

Then we made our hundred thousandth trip to Collin Street to get Owen's cake and then back to the farm to make his specially requested homemade vanilla ice cream, sing happy bday to you and not open gifts. It was short and sweet to say the least. Only after we arrived at the house did I realize I hadn't gotten any candles so we had to use matches as candles instead. See? I told you I was off my game for this bday. But even so we had a great time making a memory of a crappily celebrated 16th birthday. And the last 16th bday of my children! UM UM UM.

Always gotta do one more pic.

The only picture I have of his 16th cake is blurry. It was a continuing cluster.

Looks like I need a couple coats of Mary Kay.

And my hair is doing some weird comb over thing. Gotta love the Corsicana look.

It was a different birthday we shall never forget for all the wrong reasons.
The end.

Oh, and even after we got home, I still forgot to give the boy his birthday presents for several days.

Classic cluster.

NOW it's really

The end.

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