Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The May Corsicana trip

The Corsicana trip was excellent but way too short. Olivia and I are discussing moving there for the summer. There was much accomplished such as sitting and talking and eating and mowing. It was very hot almost all the time and there were absolutely no males anywhere in sight. That was a good thing except for when the lawn mower wouldn't start. They come in quite handy when something like that doesn't work. And when John asked me, over the phone, what the battery looked like, I said, "Well there is one." Even pulling the hood up does nothing at all. "Does it have gas?" Yep it does and there's some other stuff in there too. There's some wires and some things to unscrew and look in but for what? I have no idea. So we rolled the mower into its house, locked the door and walked away. I'm sorry to say it's someone else's problem now.

We didn't take many country rides but on one we did take, we found this new fancy farm near Dawson. It was too dark to take any good pictures but just by looking at the entrance, you could tell it was fancy. Those aren't real horses, they're statues of horses. They were very lifelike. This place is definitely worth another look the next time we go.

Emma took most of the pictures and I'm loving them. I could do a whole fruit and veggie series but since I've already posted the only veggie ones, I'm gonna have to forgo that. We did find a plum tree with the tiniest and cutest little plums which constitutes the fruit pictures. I love Bessie's red bowl. It's one of my favorites. Most people that know me well, know I have a tremendous love for bowls of all kinds. It's a weakness.

And then of course there's hardly ever the Corsicana trip without the stray animal of some kind showing up and this trip was no exception. A little kitten followed Caitlin and I home on our walk the very first night. It was a cutie pie but we didn't bring it home. We're too gun shy about that. Carrie and Melanie took it to the shelter and I'm envisioning it living happily ever after with someone, just not me.

Godspeed little kitty.

And then there were the obligatory horse and cow pictures taken on every trip. Horses are just too irresistibly lovely to not take pictures of.....and cows.......well they are......just cows.

I wouldn't want to get into a scuffle with this guy.

And this is my favorite horse of all time. I love a paint. Austin has named him Blackie. He's the one running in Olivia's senior video and he's simply fantastical.

There are more posts to come about Corsicana but that's it for now.

1 comment:

CAW said...

I do love the pictures.... Great job!!