Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

To all the dads that do all the dirty work. Stuff like taking out the trash, mowing the yard in 100 degree heat, killing the bugs, driving over late at night to get overanxious frogs out of the house for your daughter, pitching batting practice to sons and daughters til their arm was aching, fixing flat tires, being a plumber, doing the heavy lifting, sometimes having to call the fix-it man, going to work, encouraging us, being faithful and all the man stuff that all of you do. We appreciate you more than we tell you.

There've been many admirable men in my life. Lots of them have moved to heaven but I'm grateful to have had the chance to learn from each one. Some of the men I'm remembering today: Mickey Humphrey, Howard Walker, Jay McClung, Mr. Fisher, Grandpa Eddie, Robert Walker, Truly, Big Frank and Frank the bro.

Some of the good ones still here.....FOR YEARS AND YEARS TO STAY IN JESUS NAME...John, Keith, Randy, and Dale. God hand picked each of us to make up a family. He did an excellent job for us. Well done.

And to the dads of the future: Bill, Jared, Austin, Slade, Andrew and Owen. Trust God to help you be a great dad. You've each had great role models.

Love the dads in your life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This made me boo hoo. Very well done...