Thursday, February 2, 2017

We need a stolen snaps post

It's time for another installment of stolen snaps. I've stolen so many snaps that now I have tons, but my blog posting hasn't kept up with the stealing. It's an oversight on my part. I'm trying to decide about having a day of the week for stolen snaps. Of course if I want the S's I have to go with Stolen Snap Saturday or Sunday, but I NEVER post on Saturdays or Sundays. So I'm going to have to choose another day of the week. I'll choose Thursday. Since today is Thursday and I happen to be posting stolen snaps.    

Lots of these date back to last summer, which means I'm gonna be a year behind! OK, that's not really true, but I AM behind. So behind.

Also, I stand by the statement that candy is constant and fruit is not. I NEVER eat an M&M and think, hmmm, that’s mushy or too tart. 

I've been home a lot since I've not felt so great. 

It's possible I have cabin fever.

Lets get to the snaps...
That's Jack as a beach bum. 
That's Lucas and Mom joining in the bumming. 
Gmaw has some gypsy in her, add beach bum to that. 
Jimmy James!
I have never looked better as a Norseman?
Two kinds of bears.
I agree Lindsey. Say no to pigs.
I'm not sure what that animal is, but that's William? And Lindsey. 
These next ones go back so far that we were celebrating July 4th when I saved these snaps.  God bless America...
Uncle Emma Sam.
Olivia looks skeptical about this.
I think that's MAGGIE! Too!
Jimmy James looking all Uncle Sammy.
I call this next series the Dalmatian...
You are correct Caitlin. 
Why were you in Jackson Miss?
That's a Dal puppy/Beba.
Anna with her puppy face on.
Nothing more professional than a congressional staffer puppy.
I don't know Marshall, but I trust Lucas.
Gee concurred with Lucas. 
This was not enough posted snaps to be even close to catching me up. But it's a start. In the meantime, I'm so hot in my den with a fire that had to be close to 200 degrees. It was melt your face worthy. I even had to open the backdoor to get some relief. 

Now I'm off to bed before 3 AM and I'm hoping for a good sleep. 

Please pray for my hearing and my ears. Doctor appointment isn't until next week, so I have to wait to find out what's happening. 

Night to all people everywhere. 


Unknown said...

I think I was on my way too or from the beach

Mollie_Walker said...

I really enjoy the snap stealer posts!!!!! They always end up being so cute!

CAW said...

Loving all the new posts !!!!!

Anonymous said...

love love

Anonymous said...

that was me Melanie

Mollie_Walker said...

I just LOVE the snap post!! Sugar bean was missing her mama SO bad!!