Thursday, February 16, 2017

If it's pretend Thursday, it's another post about snaps

I have returned from the west and I'm here to report it was good. It's always good to head west, as long as the destination is Texas. And if one of my kids is there, even better. Caitlin and I spent the weekend in the car and restaurants. On Saturday we went to Waco to see the Silos and catch a glimpse of Fixer Upper products first hand. There was just one problem, everyone else in Texas was there as well. There were 8 gazillion bajillion people at that place on Saturday and it was a crazy scene.  

I'll post about our weekend next, but I started this post last week and I'm not changing the words to reflect that time moved forward and my post is about last week. It's really OK though. 

Lets go back and see what I said before I left town...

I'm being overly ambitious and starting work on this post even though it's 1:24 and I'm kinda sleepy. I just posted the other one, and I don't think for one sec I can post another tonight. But I'm moving on anyway.

I'm currently working on this post while watching a Hallmark Valentine movie called Walking the Dog. To say Hallamark CANNOT leave the cheese in the fridge instead of putting it in their movies is an understatement. That's just one of my pet peeves about Hallmark movies. Another is, the women playing in these movies are trying to pass as late 20's early 30's. I'm sorry.....but no. If you are 40, you don't look 20. That's just real facts. Don't do it! 

The other pet peeve is, men do not care that much about Valentine's Day!! If they do, it's only because they know they have to buy something in order to stay out of the doghouse. But when a Hallmark man gets all swoony or sad or melancholy about Valentine's Day, it makes me want to yell at the TV. I want to say, "Men like you don't exist! At least I hope not!!" And that's all I have to say about that. 

Lets get to those snaps. 

That's what we're here for... 
That's a yellow me and I look FABULOUS.
I know I already posted this, but it's totally worth another. Especially since we're doing a headdress theme. 
It must have been headdress Sunday at PG.
That's Jack and he's a golden boy. 
Brother Lucas was going for the gold as well.
It's ALWAYS fantastic when I get the O boy in something fancy. 
Anna Jane getting her headdress on. 
If this isn't Carlie, I don't have any idea who it is. I'm only guessing that because of the necklace. It's quite stunning how this covers the face so much I can't tell who it is!
Got stars on his head.
He switched horses in the middle of the stream. That was a brilliant segue. 
This is me because I recognize my jammies. Especially the rip in my jammies.
It IS my beloved George! Is that you Caitlin?
Thanks for the heads up on who this is Emma.
Anna's in the gate ready for the race.
Now I recognize the kid but not the animal.  
Another horse and rider.
I'm going with Caitlin in this pic. 
No idea who this is.
I think this is me, but I'm not sure. 
This is so weird. Why does Snapchat do these super weird things. 
They went for weird again. Beba!
I did NOT make this work for me.
This is just getting weirder. 
Just when you think it's weird enough...
It got weirder. 
Lucas can't even make this look cute. 
I think I'm gonna request an accountability meeting with Snapchat. 
That's a pretty cute Icee.
A surfer dude.
Here comes the good stuff. 
The question is, is that real watermelon, or a well placed bite by Snapchat? 
The new superhero, Watermelon boy!
Clearly I was enthralled. 
She had no idea. It's perf. But once again, I'm gonna be in trouble. 
Anna the watermelon baby. 
Awww, someone gave Addy a cute bow. 
That's it! I finished another snapper "on time." But I have to confess Snapchat Thursday is not really real, because once again I finished it on Friday. If I switch to a Friday posting,I know I'll put it off til Saturday. Then I'll eventually get back to Thursday. It's a vicious cycle. 

One more thing. On February 16, 1985, I married John Herrock. We were young, still in school, had four jobs between the two of us and had no idea what we were doing. I'm thankful to be able to say we're still alive, still together and we still like each other almost all of the time. And that's a really true statement. 

I'm not a mushy person, but I'm glad I married him and I know he feels the same about me. 

Here's to 32 years of laughing, crying fighting, misunderstandings, understandings, love, dislike, ups, downs, employment, unemployment, wonderful children, wonderful family and overall, more happiness than not. It's been an adventure of boring and exciting proportions and I'm happy to say I hope for lots more years. Not sure about 32 more. Let me use the calculator to see how old I'll be in 32 years. 

OK, I'll be 89. 

So I'll say here's to 32 more years. 

Party on peeps.


Unknown said...

Love it!

Mollie_Walker said...

I'm so pumped about snap story posts because that means you post every week! 💜