Thursday, February 9, 2017

If it's Thursday, it's stolen snaps day

I've been gone for a week. Let me rephrase that, I've had nothing to talk about for a week and therefore have avoided my blog. I'm still avoiding it, but since today is Stolen Snapchat pictures Thursday, I'm here to do a post. 

I've nothing really interesting to talk about. I did listen to Caitlin rehash a stressful work day yesterday, and at one point while driving home she stated as children were getting off a school bus, "I don't want to wait, they need to move their little legs faster!" Yee ikes, that girl was hopping. 

Tuesday night John and I went to Olive Garden for supper and once we were seated, we waited and waited... and waited some more for a server. A girl came into our area and waited on another table. As she turned to walk away, he said to her a little gruffly, "Where are you going!?" As most people know, John would never behave in such a manner, and while I was busy swallowing my goozle, the girl stopped dead in her tracks. I thought he'd COMPLETELY lost his mind and just as I was about to dive UNDER the table, she looked at him, smiled and laughed. (What's happening?) It was then he introduced her as one of his students. I heaved a HUGE sigh of relief realizing we would not have spittle in our supper. 

Man gone crazy.

That's all my "interesting" news since it's been a really slow and uneventful week, but now I'm planning to go to Dallas for the weekend and see Kit Kat. I have a doctor's appointment today and then I will be set free from docs for as long as I can be. I hate going to the doctor. From the moment any doc appointment is made for me, I dread it and can't wait for it to be over. I don't think that will ever change. 

But before I take my leave, I uploaded tons of stolen snaps and so it's time to make another post so I can try to catch up with the stealing. 

I fear that will never happen. 

Here we go...
This was a snap from me, teasing Mollie that Marlie was homesick and sad. I found it to be hilarious. I'm sure she saw the humor in it. 
I'm identifying this child with the hugely bulbous nose as James, but I dare anyone to be able to know without using the outfit for a help.
This is how I found out Beba had killed a spider AND MY BROOM. FYI. Beba, we do have several fly swatters that double as other types of bug swatters. 
This was me transcribing my calendars as I highlighted my inability to spell cruising properly while at the same time reminding myself I hate crusing or cruising.  
Old man Lucas contemplating life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 
OK, I got in sooooooo much trouble for these next snaps. See? What had happened was....I was facetiming my darling daughter who lives so far from me. I was on my computer and so my phone was free for taking snaps. So, I did. In my defense, all I wanted was a few pictures of as to have the memory of her face. That whole statement is true and not made up to make my argument in any way. Well, she got so mad at me. You'll see how I knew she was uber, super mad.  
The cute deer face is where it began. She had NO idea I was taking this. 
Or this...
Or this.....wait for it.
OK, I see she finally figured it out. If you are offended by the flying formation of her finger, get over it. I think it's so darn funny I just can't tell you. 
Her judgey von holier than thou face documenting the "incident."  
My privileges were then cut off. Color me laughing but also sad because my opportunity had ended. I still don't regret it. 
Cutie Ila Marie as a kitty cat. 
Unbeknownst to Caitlin and JR at church they're wearing imaginary crowns. 
This was me on a Sunday being so bored as John watched the Steelers (heavy eye roll).  
I suspect this is the Turners in Ireland, when snapchat thinks they should've been in Germany eating wiener schnitzels. 
I was at home looking fabulous. 
Anna has aged a bit in this snap.
Car Car was working at the bank near my house and I said hey as I was passing. 
She said hey back.
A Grandma sandwich. 
We ADORE Mary Berry. 
It was September in Louisiana. Even though we've lived in Louisiana for, like, ever it's still disappointing when it's scorching in September.  
Spell check sabotaged me here. What I was trying to do was point out the wings my hair had in it when I awoke for church on Sunday morning. 
No idea what this means, but I like it, so I kept it. 
Got to be a Turner or a Ford popping over the pond. 
I'm off to Dallas in the morn. I'll let you know next week what me and the Kit Kat did. In fact it's actually 1:22 on Friday but with the trickery of the blog tools I'm able to still post it on Thursday. Shhh...don't tell anyone. 

I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places....

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