Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The trip home

We left DC on a Saturday afternoon and the traffic was just as we had grown to expect in Virginia. It wasn't an easy leave since Emma was staying there. Of course she was. But it wasn't fun leaving her behind. I like my people all together.  

I can't even remember where we spent the night but it was somewhere in Virginia. That state feels like a second cousin to Texas. It drives like it's too big for it's britches.

I've already posted some of these pics on a snapchat post, but a few are worth a second look. 

Finishing the trip strong.  
There was a wiseacre in the way back seat. 
This may have happened before we left for Louisiana, but it's a hall of famer and worth a second laugh. 
I suspect we are somewhere in Tennessee. 
Looks like some Smokey Mountains in the front view. 
We took off down some back country roads. Some people in the car were happy about it, some were not. 
That's a sweet view. 
I love the way that looks. 
What must it be like to live on the side of a mountain? 
You have to be up high to see the sunset though. 
Owen does NOT like to ride through mountains and he cared not for the back country road riding. 
They really are smokey.
Can't remember if those are turkeys or guineas or something else. 
As we were riding through the backroads of either Virginia or Tennessee, Caitlin and Olivia saw the strangest sight ever and we have no proof of it. As we were whizzing by a house, I say whizzing because John thinks mountain roads are roller coasters and he's the conductor of the crazy train he's driving. But I digressed...on the front porch of a house we passed was a large group of fully dressed mannequins. You read that correctly. It was a large number of fully dressed mannequins standing on the porch of a house. 

Why mountain people? Why? It was so weird and I'd love to be able to ask them why. In a public setting. Where there was a crowd. No way would I knock on the door and ask the weird people why they were so weird. 
I feel like this is out of place in the line of pics, but I don't care.
I do think there were times we never thought we'd be out of the car again.
Yes Owen, that is your eye. Beba's bringing it from the backseat.
I have no idea where this is, but I took five pictures of it, so I left one in. Maybe around Chattanooga.  
Georgia is welcoming us.
Then Alabama did. 
He IS the best son I have. 
Don't lose heart Beba, we will make it home. 
When boredom set in...
We snapped.
And snapped. 
And just like that....
After 2,975.6 miles, we were back home.
I love a good road trip. I love to see America and I want to see as much of it as I can. Washington DC is a great place to visit and while it's not cheap, all the memorials and most of the museums are free. 

Lord have mercy on our country and Washington DC especially. Men do not run us or our country. It's God's plan we want and need.

In Jesus name. 


Mollie_Walker said...

Y'all were only 25 miles from an even 3,000!? Come ooooooonnnnnn y'all could have driven to WM for dinner or SOMETHING!?

Unknown said...

I think I'd go back to see those mannequins again. Also the house with the McDonald's enter/exit signs