Friday, July 25, 2014

Some info on the last day before vacay

It's been a very busy week working on Owen's room as well as gathering things for the beach. We've made good progress with both. Owen's room was kaki and now it's gray. Packing has commenced, but there's so much more to do. I'm posting a couple things before the trip, but there probably won't be any while at the beach. 

And as I'm thinking about the beach, I'm picturing myself sitting by the seaside in a lime green sand chair on a cloudless day, wearing an orange and white polka dot bikini whilst my freshly painted coral colored toes are being gently washed over by the softly lapping waves. And look! Dolphins swam right up to the shore to say hello and then waved as they swam away. Reality is....that bikini and the body that would go in it has never existed, the waves usually come up and slam me in the chest as I'm sitting there contemplating the logic of getting in water that ABSOLUTELY has sharks in it. Just got real. 

But it's getting to the point of needing to make this trip happen in real time. It must be done. 

Our family's also continued our many discussions about the trip and I think we've hashed out all our issues. The other night as we were eating supper, the topic of John and his fishing came up and with it began an arbitration between me and him and our self appointed representatives...namely Caitlin and Olivia. The thing is, I'm fine with John fishing. In fact I encourage it. BUT. Last time he got so cranky due to people wearing goggles and trying to watch him fish from underneath the water. He was so mad. It wasn't fun. So as we were talking about it at the table, Caitlin offered for she and Olivia to be the mediators regarding fishing and time and blah blah blah. Then Olivia said something like, "I propose that my client will fish reasonably with no persecution." Caitlin chimed in with, "My client is willing to agree to those terms but will probably bring it up again before we leave for the beach and will likely change her mind about all of it once she's there." So funny I forgot to laugh. But! I'm super excited for William to see John catch a fish or catch one himself, as well as all the sea creatures we shall find. 

But here's what's about to happen now. In the last week I've been busy transcribing the journal entries from different people's Corsicana trips since last fall. And then disaster happened. I discovered I hadn't taken a picture of the other half page of May 26th and I became inconsolably devastated. OK. That may not be true. But I was bummed. So. My plan is to try to perfect the ones I have completed and then when I go back...or anyone goes back....please take a pic of the May 26th entry and send it to me please. I really am so bummed as I think about it again. 

In the meantime, I have uploaded a ton of pictures from our May trip that was James' first trip there ever. We took so many pictures...of course...and had so much fun. 

Gadzooks! I just found May 26th in my camera photos! So forget all I said about taking a pic of it and sending to to me. It's a pre-beach miracle! 

The next post will be all about our May trip to Texas and I will work my way backwards to the fall. I know...I don't like to get out of order, but sometimes it just has to happen.

I'm trying to hurry!

I feel like I'm wasting time at the computer!

OK, I'm done here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha love the representers take on the fishing!!!