Thursday, July 25, 2013

Our family seems to be doing things in two's these days.

Two beautiful rings. Two lovely couples. Two different stories. Two weddings ahead! It's going to be so much fun and I'm looking forward to both of them, as well as two new babies! 

Our family is going to finish this year with a wedding and a baby and blaze into 2014 with a wedding, a baby and two graduations! There's so many bright things in the future and it's so exciting and fun! Can't wait! Congratulations to all the participating people and all the spectators. We'll have a blast waiting and anticipating and enjoying each event. It's almost like a bunch of Christmas mornings coming!   

God bless and protect and make all things easy for all people involved in each of their events....weddings and babies and graduations!


Also for lazy fingered people, scroll down cause there's two posts.

Scrolling seems to be so stressful for some.

You know who you are.

Seriously. So much fun.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love BOTH RINGS IT IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!!! as soooooon as I get home from Dallas I am starting my diet ; ) ; )