Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 4 of trip 2 to Corsicana by....not Olivia or Austin

July 6, 2013

This day began like all the rest, people filtering out of their beds and onto the back porch. This happens anywhere from 8:00 to 12:00. After sitting and discussing how people slept, the eating of Collin Street pastries and Donut Palace donuts occurred. The mystery project continued (not a mystery project anymore) 


(Texas flags for the underside of the bunk beds). Everyone scattered to the 2 winds for lunch, Schlotsky's (sp) and Bill's Fried Chicken and once the flags were completed, 2 cars containing Melanie, Maggie, Austin, Lauren (car 1) and Lisa, Carrie, Meredith, Caitlin and Olivia (car 2) drove to a convenience store/peach place about 30 minutes away. Although our hopes were slightly dashed due to the lack of enchantingness (probably not a word) it was still enjoyable. One strange commodity for sale was cherry salsa. That sounded so gross to Lisa especially. Our travel to the peach place which is actually Cooper's peach something something was on I-45 south. On the way home we traveled the dusty Texas backroads to home. It was quite the delightful afternoon spent even though communication between the 2 cars was virtually nil. 

After a quick stop at Wal Mart to get hot dog buns and sausage, we arrived back at the farm to have a midnight supper (really 9:00 pm) but it was well past Lisa's regular eating time. After jockeying for showers, many of us sat on the back porch and talked and laughed and discussed and dreamed and had a wonderful all around time. (We really are the best ones). Then it was time for our night ride and something stupid happened. Lisa forgot her phone (she was already in the car) so she went back to the house to get it and stepped off the sidewalk and fell when her ankle rolled and she went down hard. It hurt like hades. Just ask her. I just asked her and she confirmed. After multi people helped with ice and sympathy, she rallied and still went on the night ride. Night riders were Melanie, Carrie, Meredith, Maggie, Olivia, Maya and Lisa. 

The animals or country critters have shunned us this entire trip. No owls, no wild boars, no lions or tigers or bears.....oh my. It was a disappointment. We found ourselves traveling the brick roads and streets in town and retracing our roots once again. We drove by Mollie and Nina's house, AKA 212, and once again witnessed the continuing demise of the once stately home. We arrived back at the farm and everyone scurried to their beds (Lisa hobbled). Maggie and Olivia stayed up very late which caused Lisa to have to sleep with the lamp on....she wasn't happy about it. And so came the end of the last night of this trip to Corsicana.

P.S. Lisa slept with her foot elevated and it was a success.

P.S.S. Lisa sat in a chair the other day and it broke and she fell to the ground. This particular trip kicked the crap out of Lisa.

Austin chillin and reading.
Horses chillin, not reading.
That's what I said, did you not hear me?
Tude too!
He wanted the camera.
Still beautiful.
I've taken...
9 million...
Pictures of this place.
And I never get tired of it.
How could you not love it?
Book readers love to read books here.
Aww don't they look cute?
Someone's playing hide and seek.
Lookin good.

Then another owl box was made.
Because we want owls to come and live with us at our place. 
There seemed to be lots of discussion about the plan.
Maybe one day the owls will like their owl hotel at route 3.
And this picture has no redeeming quality except for once again defining the term, calf looking at a new gate. 

Almost finished with another Texas trip. 

I shot my first shotgun today. I'm now a gun toter. After about 20 attempts, I killed one skeet, and then I quickly put the gun down, cause I knew the odds of hitting another was not good. There are actually now about 10 new gun toters after today. I'll post pics soon. There's so many posts to post I think I'll take a break. 




Those two are a good combo this time of night...

Gone to the bed peeps....


gnar car said...

hahahah mom's face.

i didn't know you rolled your ankle!! i'm glad you recovered.

Anonymous said...

omg it's awful to look like that but it's all i got