Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 2 of trip 2 to Corsicana by Olivia then Austin then Olivia again

Continuing with the documentation of our Corsicana trip brings us to this particular journal entry which was a joint effort by Olivia and Austin. It seems Olivia started the daily entry but was either interrupted or saw little else to report. Then at some point Austin wrote a romance novel about his cooked ribs, and then the tag teaming continued when Olivia felt the need to add her stamp of approval by tacking on the last sentence. She did, after all, eat some of the ribs Austin cooked. Not to be confused with eating Austin's ribs, which is altogether different and disturbing. 

Moving on....

July 4, 2013

Becky Keith and Meredith arrived today to join the celebration of the birth of the single greatest nation to grace the face of the earth. The earth was made for Jesus and the United States of America.

On July 4th Austin awoke and began his prep work for his day's cooking. He then proceeded to cook the best ribs anyone had ever eaten. Ever. In the history of ribs and the earth. They were so good, angels came down and serenaded each bite. They were so good everyone forgot their name for a good half hour. They were so good, no one remembered what they did the rest of the day. This might be a short entry for the day. Sorry. Not sorry. They were so good, Caitlin, Olivia and Maggie popped fireworks that evening just to commemorate their brief, but delicious, existence.

This is accurate.

All ready to celebrate the 4th of July!
Fast forward to that night at the fireworks and Caitlin's lovely mug. I apparently took no other photos that day. 
Better pic of the three, plus Mere and Becky are in the background.
One mo time.
A motley crew. Loving that look of Olivia, as if to say "REALLY?" 
Once more.
The whole group.
Then it looks like it took a turn towards nighty night time
They seriously look comfortable. 
Plus John.
Then the girls shot their own celebration....of the ribs cooked by Austin. 
They were really really good and worth celebrating....a lot.
I kept this one in only because of Caitlin's flame face.
Then flaming hair. 
And then the celebration.....
Came to an end.
And there's day 2 in the bag.

Also Owen's home form his rainy beach trip and the countdown for work for me is now 19 days. People who work full time probably have little sympathy for my plight. But I have it for me!.

It's late and I feel the need for a comfy place to rest my head. 

Later insta peeps. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the cover photo and wish it still looked like that!! Love the journal posts such creative people we have in the fam!!!