Friday, September 30, 2016

Our DC trip as seen through the snaps

While on our DC trip there was a lot of snapping going on. We blew through so much data and didn't look back. It's always about the data. We had to move some gigs around to share the wealth. Instead of moving money around, we move gigs. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Or rather, taking gigs from John and putting a cap on Owen. That boy can blow through some data. But snapping makes the world go round. OK, that's not really true, but it sounded good so I said it. 

This snappy post encompasses the entire trip, which means my future posts about the trip will be out of order. I hope I can sleep tonight. But I felt it might give a better picture with just the snaps being what we are talking about. SO. A snap here, a snap there, a snap everywhere....and BOOM the trip was over. 

Lets see how the trip played out in the form of snaps. 
This was on the way to DC. We were barely out of town. 
This was in Alabama. I don't know if there was a garbage man strike or what, but I couldn't squeeze a toothpick in this thing. So gross. Clean up your mess Alabama!
After we arrived in DC, I was trying to wake up the Beba. This was Beba ignoring my wake up call. Get up Beba!!
One of my deepest regrets was not getting a group pic of us at the tea party place. The best I could do was steal this snap.
Yes, it WAS fantastic.
On the day of our tea party we had a jam packed schedule, so after we strolled through Georgetown we grabbed an Uber and met the boys back at the apartment and were off to a Washington Nationals baseball game that night. It was there, I got bored. Baseball is just too long, and even though it was a lovely, cool evening, I once again had multi people sitting in front of me blocking my view and I didn't know the players and I was sure there was something more interesting going on somewhere else. Pick any of those excuses in that deliberate run on sentence. I didn't really mind going, but for me, the highlight of the night was the president's race.......not THAT one. 

This one.....
There were two races involving these things and Beba missed em both while out of her seat for one reason or another. She was very sad.

Between the boredom and the races, I turned my attention to snapping little gems like these.
He looks weirdly like someone I know, but I'm not sure who.
We've already established that this is Owen's signature selfie face. 
John may have been bored that I think of it.
So so good.
I think this is Emma, but that's not a total 100% confirm.
The Beebs.
That other one was for sure Emma, since this is Kit Kat.
While we were pirating in DC, Bill was also in Louisiana. Argh there Bill. 
This Sangria was bought in the restaurant at George's house. To be clear, that's Mt. Vernon. THE George.....for me. On that day we walked all over George's property. The sun was out. It was hot. People were becoming delirious. People meaning the six of us. The girls didn't do the house tour, so they went to the restaurant and ate before John, Owen and I got there. It was nearing the time of day where we needed to sit and be still and not walk another 100 miles. You could feel the tension in the air. I had the mother of all blisters on my heel from walking in tennis shoes!! So annoying! I downed someone's unfinished drink the moment I walked in and sat down at the girls' table. No one challenged me. It was wise. Also it was weird because the girls had a table for four so I sat with them and when John and Owen came in they sat at another table not even near us. If anyone there that day knew we were family, they would think us feuding. We were beginning to lose it. 
After all people at both tables had eaten, we stopped in the gift shop and then left the venue, As I hobbled back to the car with my heel hurting so bad I thought a knife was sticking in it, I felt the need to say every time I put my foot down, "That hurt. That hurt. Yep that hurt." 

We left Mt. Vernon heading to Colonial Williamsburg which was a 2 hour drive that ended up being a 3 hour drive because Virginia is too big for its britches. While I believe that to be totally true, the traffic was the cause of the long ride to the city. Once we neared the area of the historic triangle of Yorktown, Williamsburg and Jamestown, (that's what they call it) we had no idea where to go. It was getting dark, we hadn't formulated a plan and the Jamestown settlement was closed, so we rode around, found a road and took a turn.

It was on that road we discovered it ended at the James River's edge. Out on the river, we could see a ferry boat. Owen and I immediately panicked and agreed it was a bad idea to get on a boat, in our car, when there were multi cars getting on as well. That's too heavy. So Owen and I were all like, "NU UH." The girls and John were all like, "A FERRY RIDE!!!!! HECK YES!!" Our car was third in line to ferry and therefore instantly hemmed in. We were trapped. I didn't want to be one of those people who yell back at everyone, "Excuse me!! Could all ten of you and your cars back up down the road so we don't have to go on the ferry please?!?!" 

Owen and I sucked it up. I was better at it than him.  
I put on my trusty pirate face and we were off.
I sensed a theme happening before my eyes.
Yep, there's your theme right there.
You have no idea how sad I am I don't have a picture of Beba as a pirate on the ferry. I WILL be checking her phone for pirate evidence and get back here. Update: She says she doesn't have one. I don't believe her.

So we rode on the ferry across the James River and then we had to ride back on the ferry and it was fantastic and we enjoyed it immensely and now we are ferry people. Serious ferry people. There was no danger of tumping at all. BUT. Owen remains in the non ferry people category. He never even exited the car at any moment while on the ferry. He was a chick chick chicken. 

The next day we did many things I'll talk about later, but when we drove through Yorktown I felt the need to put on an explorer hat. I was feeling a little jungle like adventure coming on. It just so happened the Snapper accommodated me quite nicely. 

After our adventures in the historic triangle we headed back to DC, but that traffic on that highway in Virgina is a little ***** so we stopped at a Target on the way to get some things and wait for the traffic to clear out. 
In the foreground are ugly sandals. In the background there are two daughters on two different aisles shopping. 
Then I guess nothing else happened with snaps because the next thing I knew, we were on our way home.
And I was feeling the vibe in the pink hat.
This is one of the great stories of all time to happen on this trip. We shall never forget it. John gets SO pissy when ordering in a drive thru. It's just gonna happen. Even if he is fed the order, he gets pissy. Just after Caitlin told him what to say, he said, "Mach-ar-lotto." I managed to hold it together until after we got past the speaker. I then laughed for the of my life. As I was writing this I just asked Owen, "Remember when John ordered a mach....." Owen finished the sentence, "ar lotto, I do indeed."
It's important to be in the central zone. It's in our bones. 
By now we were soo punchy. It was game on for snaps.
Is that ice cream? Where did you get ice cream,?
I felt the need to do some twofers. 
Caitlin obliged. 
The Beebs as a sunflower center.
You must recognize there is always payback when snapping. 
And there is our Washington DC trip in snaps. I don't know about anyone else but I thoroughly enjoyed that. 

I'm now off to Hobby Lobby and other places getting ready to decorate my cluttered house for Fall. Yes, I have clothes to fold, but errands matter more than folded towels. Besides it's 80 degrees outside and I haven't set a toe in the outside world and it's 2:20! I have to catch up with the day.

Now it's all about the wagon wheel of life rolling on down the road.


1 comment:

John said...

Nice post - it was an epic trip. I feel like we need another road trip this summer :-)