Friday, July 17, 2015

Dentistry and July One in Texas

No home improvement today since I was gone most of it. Today was dentist day for me. I had to go for a crown seating. Who knew a crown could sit? After two attempts at seating it properly, I'm here to say it does. 

I've decided to do some Corsicana posting instead of going back to Pennsylvania, even though it's my unwritten rule not to post out of order. But I can't help myself.

Here's an installment of our July trip to Texas. I know I've never posted all the past Corsicana trips I promised. You'd think I'd feel bad about it. Nah. Not at all. I just smh. It took me forever to figure out what smh stood for, and because I didn't know, I always pronounced it (in a whisper or in my head) as shmee with a surly lip. Even though I now know what it means, I still do the whisper and the shmee. I'm cool like that.

Moving on...this is the only day from this trip I've transcribed, hopefully that will keep happening.  

July 1, 2015
This is always a good sign I'm headed in the right direction.

John, Olivia, Addy and Lisa arrived at the farm after a six hour trip! We decided to go to Canton and then drive down so Lisa could show John and Olivia the weirdly striped horse she saw last week. (Lisa came last week and forgot to report oops!)

Break from the journal transcript for the purpose of this discussion  
These next two pics are from my trip the week before. After seeing this horse on the Canton highway, I had to turn around and go back to make sure I had seen what I saw. And that's why I wanted to go that way again to show these strange things to Olivia and John. I sent a pic of it to Maggie and she was all like, "Whaaaa?" And I was all like, "Exactly."
Then, I was so mesmerized by the horse in the foreground that I didn't even see the giraffe in the background, OR the animal laying on the ground. Sure hope it was lying down and not dead. It happens people. Also, was the giraffe real of fake? Cliffhanger!
This picture is from the trip with Olivia and John and the baby horse is next to the giraffe. The other striper is over there. They are so weird looking it had to be shared. 
Cliffhanger solved. That giraffe couldn't hold that pose for a week, therefore it was deemed fake. But the horse? I don't know what the heck is going on. If it's been painted, why? 
Here's my amazingly accurate drawing of the striped horses in the journal so I could document it fabulously. Nailed it. 
Back to the journal entry now...
Because of construction on the highway, I can't say it was worth it because it added over an hour to our trip. 

We got all the AC units put in and hung the swings 

and herded the neighbors cows that got out 
Olivia walked around the side of the house and found these cows had wandered out of an open gate.
And me being as good a cow whisperer as I am an artist I herded them back into their home. 
and went to Wal Mart and got Brahm's and went for a night ride and now it's 1:05. 

OH! Lisa thinks they possibly saw a mountain lion on the night ride. Olivia says it was a dog. But this writer asks, "Which makes more sense? Hmmm?" EXACTLY! Mountain lion! 

We heard multi chatty whippoorwills, lovely and a little creepy all at once. The moon is full and shining on the pastures in the loveliest way. Been a while since we were here with a full moon. 

Tomorrow mass arrivals will happen.
End journal entry. 

I'm so disappointed in myself for not drawing a picture of the mountain lion I saw. It would have helped so much with the identification. What an idiot. 

It's 2:51 and I can't believe I've done this to myself again. 

If my bed's still in the same place, I'm going to get in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm It so could have been a mountain lion. I follow I love Texas on Facebook and they posted an article from a reliable agency that mountain lions are in our area and up to Dallas!!!! It could have and probably was in fact a mountain lion!!!!!