Monday, December 2, 2013

Some things and more wedding photos

I've been in Christmas movie overload for many weeks now, since the Hallmark channel has been having round the clock movies on since forever. I love a great bad movie and if you're looking for one, Hallmark has a million. 

The first vacation day of our Thanksgiving break was the best cold rainy day....for people who could stay home. I had a fire all day.

Thanksgiving has flown in and out and the race to Christmas is in high gear. Today I woke with a crick in my neck and an ache in my head. Funzies for me at work today. But the holidays are here and we must prevail. I have lots of pictures to post so lets get to it. 

Back to the wedding posts....

I've lost sleep over making sure I've done a good job on the wedding posts from both events. It causes me great stress to think it might not be equitable. 

On November 9th there was a 20% chance of rain. The odds were in our favor for a pretty day. Not so fast. When we awoke, it was raining, and it rained all day long. Not a hard rain, just enough to be annoying. But even so, spirits remained high in spite of the damp weather. And after many months of planning, everyone knew what their jobs were and when and where to do them. So at many houses around town, people scurried about getting ready so as to be on time. That didn't happen. And just as the homes were buzzing about, the church was buzzing as well. 

Scroll down and see who was where and what they were doing.  

William was at home being adorable while holding a rose and being photograhed by Andrew. 
And catching up on some TV before his big debut.
Owen was looking all handsome at our house.
30 minutes before that other picture, he looked like this.
And this. That's the saddest face ever.
 I blinked again and he looked like this. 
The dapper groom ready to go.
Looking relaxed and not boltish. 
That jacket is softer than you can imagine. 
I've known all these boys since they were wee ones. Now I've seen them all married. Sigh...once again childhood to adulthood is such a short span of time. 
Worth one more look. 
The parents with the adorable ring bearer. 
Checking things out.
The beautiful bride in all her finery. 
So gorgeous.
And with the cutie pie flower girl Ava.
Here's a pic of all the boy family participants.
The groom and the gals.
A lovely group of pregnant people.
A cute little boy in the hall.
Too hard to cull pics of William.
Too hard.
Maybe need an editor.
Close up.
18 months and 18 years are closer than you think. 
Olivia had my camera for 16 seconds and took ridiculous pictures as usual. BUT it seems William has inherited. Mollie's penchant for finding the camera. 
Grandma has arrived. 
Cute doorman.
I did take some pics of William out.
Believe it or not.
Pops and the boy.
Great pic of the pre wedding Walkers. 
Worth one more.
Mom and Dad with the groom.
Sibling love.
Great Dad and son pic. 
Grandma and grandson.
Mom and son.
That's a good looking newly married couple.
And another great looking couple.
It's almost time for the ceremony. 

I love so many kinds of pictures so it's very hard for me to eliminate any. But I did even though it may not look like it, and it pains me every time. 

I have a few more wedding posts and then it's on to other things. Not sure what those things are yet. 

Also if you are on my Christmas list, you should be worried. I have very few presents bought or ideas of things to purchase. I feel a pared down Christmas is ah waiting.  

The college semester is almost to a close and the weather forecast is predicting snow for the weekend. I'll believe it when I see it stick. 

My house is in much disarray due to Christmas decorating as well as bad housekeeping and as I write this I look about my den and see much that needs to be stuffed into closets that I don't have. It's beyond the pale. I'm not sure what that means but I wrote it anyway. And since this seems to have turned into a stream of consciousness and since that always gets me into trouble, I'll stop.

Peace on earth, good will toward all the people.

 Its seems to be the time of year to say....

God bless us everyone. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

18 months and 18 years made me laugh out loud!! Obviously I shouldn't be your editor cause I couldn't cull any pics either!