Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Arrivals and fun stuff in Lafayette

It's been forever since I posted anything. Ten days to be exact. And I could make all kinds of excuses about why I haven't posted anything new. I've been busy. I've been out of town. I haven't felt like it. There was a carnival in town. I didn't go....but the fair WAS here. I have so many things to post that it's hard to sit down and wade through it all and get it in order. I hate things out of order! But melding all the photos from multi people is exhausting, so I'm gonna see how it flows as I go. Or it may not flow in order. Even if it makes me twitch.

Some updates first though...

Some of us went to the pumpkin patch last week and I have a ridiculous number of pictures to post. Get ready for lots of picture posts in the coming days. 

A few of us went to Corsicana and I never took my big camera out of the bag. It was a shocking turn of events. While there we saw a toad in the yard and John started talking about bufo toxins and witch doctors using the bufo toxins and blah blah blah. When he finished saying all of it, Olivia said, "I didn't understand one thing he just said." I laughed out loud at the funniness of her statement. 

A large majority of our entire family was traveling this last weekend, and thank you Lord we all made it back to our homes safely. We almost got sideswiped by a lady in Tyler. It was very close. 

Before I begin posting pumpkin pics of a small boy in the patch, the wedding weekend documentation now begins.

The weekend arrivals for Austin and Lauren's wedding began on Thursday with Becky and Keith and continued through Saturday afternoon. I could list everyone and tell when and where, but I'm not gonna. It's too difficult. Just know we all made it with time to spare. And as you'll see below, Olivia was super excited to be in Lafayette. In our room we were four girls crammed in the tiniest of all the people's! After seeing other rooms, we had the smallest!. And while it's not a big deal if you're just sleeping there, it's a whole other story when four girls are trying to get ready for a wedding.

When we got to town, my girls , Grandma and me met Whitney, Mollie and Aaron for some Mexican and then met all the other peeps back at the hotel so we could give Lauren and Austin their wedding gifts. For many of us it was our first trip to Lafayette and I have to say it was fab. Loved the houses, the shops and all in between. I think I speak for all of us when I say we had such a fun weekend. I'll put it in the win column of memories. 

My pictures tell better stories than I do. So scroll down and see how Friday played out for us once enough people were there to meet and greet each other.    

I told you she was excited. 
Emma was feeling ballerina-esque. Caitlin was being all normal.
Sharing a margarita with Billie take two.
This is our meeting and greeting and giving of gifts.
Boys love a good mixer gift.
The B and G with B. Then we called it a night since the next day was the BIG day. 
This is Saturday morning in the hotel lobby for breakfast. William came in his jammies looking all adorable. You can't tell here, but few precious minutes of sleep were had by anyone sleeping with the wee boy in his room. 
He looks fine with it though. 
Some of us girls slipped off to The Broken Egg for our breakfast. It was delish for real. For some reason Carrie and Olivia got ixnayed from the pic, but they were there also. After we left here, we went to a shop where Emma bought her dress to wear to the wedding that night. I'd say that was cutting it close. However, she did have a back up dress just in case she found nothing. It did have a sense of the "thrill of the hunt though."  

And that's it for pre-wedding pics. As the day unfolded some of the boys played golf and some girls shopped, while others looked for places to watch football or find other places to eat. Then it was time to shower and primp and sling clothes all around until we were all cinched up and ready for the main attraction.

It's almost time for beddy bye bye and so I'll call this a wrap and begin anew tomorrow. 

Later to the lates. 


Anonymous said...

Such a fun time!! In that list of doings on Saturday we can add going to a beautiful apartment to see Lauren getting ready with her sisters and mom!! Love all the memories and I even looked forward to getting up at 8 am to go to hotel lobby for breakfast visiting!! LOVE A WEDDING!!

Unknown said...

I actually wasn't at breakfast on saturday. I was sleeping in and it was awesome.