Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Since we last met

Well homies, I'm so not into blogging at the moment. Instead, I've been consumed by Candy Crush. If you're playing it, you know what I mean. If you're not playing it, save yourself. Don't do it! 

Since we met last some things have happened, but I don't remember any of it. So I checked my phone for proof of life and here's what I found. 

Carlie sent me this super sweet picture of her and Big Frank hanging in his backyard, probably having a serious conversation about where he kept the Oreo cookies. 
Lindsey took this photo of William. It may be the cutest picture ever taken in the history of the world.
Went on girls trip to Dallas and found these gorgeous tulips on SMU's campus while looking for the George Bush presidential library. It's opening soon and I'm going! Sometime! Don't know when!
Found this super huge Easter bunny while cruising through a Dallas neighborhood. Some ideas should stay on the drawing board. 
Becky showed us this old charge card that belonged to our aunt Mollie from way back in the day. It looks as if she could charge anything anywhere in a Dallas store with this card. Times....they have changed.  
This bottle is very expensive. Very.
Spring sprung in my backyard. It's the most wonderful time of the year. 
William was overcome with giggles. I'm certain I did something to cause this myself, since he totally 'gets" my humor now. 
Ran across this picture I took in Hot Springs a long time ago. I want to have a pickle cafe. I think it would be grand to have all kinds of pickles grouped up in a cafe. 
A blooming red bud. Different from a blooming onion.
I forgot to post this of William's play mat from the night I babysat him. It may be my greatest work to date. 
Cinderella came to visit her G parents in Dallas 
OK, it's really Ila Marie. Playing dress up is the most fun thing ever.   
Emma and I rearranged our furniture and it's revolutionized our house. OK, that's not really true. BUT! all my kids have spent so much more time in the den since this happened. And that IS true.  
Maggie, Emma, Olivia and Caitlin took the Willster shopping on Sunday and they found him some rocking shades. 
And that brings me up to date on life in my house. Except! For years my family has had THE most unreliable hot water heater in the world. It would go off randomly and people would be trapped in a cold shower. It was problematic to say the least. Well, this past Friday after Owen got out of a cold shower, he went to check the heater and discovered it was leaking. The next day we went and bought a new one. It was so unfun. Spending money on a hot water heater is exactly like buying tires for cars. You can't live without them, but it's terrible to have to spend money on them. Furniture and other stuff....I need desperately ....would be so much funner to buy. 

Which brings us to tonight, as we were watching Louisville beat Michigan. We were rooting for the M's. It was clear they weren't gonna win and I said to Caitlin as she was talking to the M's to get it together, "You can't always get what you want." Immediately she and Emma started singing, "But you just might find.......you get what you need." My mission was accomplished.  

And I know I still have many posts to post, like Easter and our trip to Corsicana from February, as well as a surprise post. But I'm not making any promises as to how quick it'll come. After all, I have candy crush to play! 

It's now 2:15 exactly and I have to go see if my bed's still there.


A dream is a wish your heart makes..... I know cause I've watched that movie one gazillion times at Gap during the rainy season. And that line from that song in that movie just made Whitney swoon and wish she could watch Cinderella. 

Leave the sewing to the women....you go get the trimming....


Now I'm done.

High fives all around.


Anonymous said...

Those lines and song have been stuck in my head so many times. It's just been about 20 yrs since it was boohoo. Maybe WDS will want to watch the cinderella some time. love all the pics!!!!!!

Mollie_Walker said...


i still love a post with old pictures. and new pictures.
and i need to come back to the living room again! i saw it so fast last week! i need a redo!

gnar car said...

love the living room!!

CAW said...

LOVE IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Becky said...

Made me smile and love the living rm arrangement and all the pics!!