Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What's been going on in February 2013

So here's the deal. In the grand scheme of things, none of this matters to anyone except me, but it matters to me. So, it matters. For about the 100th time in the last 2 years, my computer went on the fritz again. For the last month it's been blinking and shutting down and blah blah blah, three nights ago, it died. I tried all I could to bring it back, but with my limited computer doctoring skills, it didn't work. Step in John, and after one entire night of using back doors and stuff, he got it running again. BUT! All my stuff is gone. All my pictures.....gone. BUT! When I saw that my computer was being a little ***** again, I backed everything up. BUT! Do you know how many hours and emails it took me to get all the old phone pics and other stuff onto my computer? Hundreds. And I'm not even kidding. Double ugh.

So for the last two days I've been using John's laptop while he worked on mine. BUT! The keyboard is offset to the right and therefore my typing's worse than usual. The problem's just so multi layered and complicated. Then after John got my computer running again, I asked him to use it for a while to see if it acted out for him. BUT! The little ***** worked perfectly. So typical. 

Then tonight as I was hoping to find some great pictures on his computer I hadn't seen and might post, here's what I found.

Two copies of this picture of Caitlin in a football helmet. 
And so many pictures of rocks I  just can't tell you. 
Why rooocccckkkksss why??!?!?!?

So now I must begin the arduous process of reloading pictures I need to my old computer and deciding if I should buy a new computer. Yikes. That's some scary stuff right there. 

In the meantime I have very little to blog about except the trip some of us made to Corsicana last weekend, where it was sunny and slightly warm for 12 and one half seconds, and cold and rainy the rest of the time. No lie. But as always I handled it with my usual positive attitude and pulled everyone else out of the doldrums. Or something slightly more truthful than that. It was so freaking cold I just can't tell you. BUT! The multi trips to the ice cream store helped ease the burden of bad weather. And as I type this, as if I don't have enough to deal with, I'm discovering the key of D doesn't work on this computer unless I slam my finger down on it multi times. Sheesh.  

So after spending some time downloading a few recent pics, I'll catch people up on stuff.

 The proud parents with Owen after he was inducted into the National Honor Society, just like his Mama. Or something slightly more truthful than that. He chose to go unshaven to the event. Boys and their facial hair, it's a strange relationship. And I'm really loving the glazed look I'm projecting. What the heck was I looking at? And how do you spell bad hair day? Oh wait, I just did.  
A picture of the twelve and one half seconds.
William actually asked me to do this.
Really he did.
We did lots of this.
And this.
We documented Maisy practicing her sad face. 
Back at home I spent my off time from blogging taking meaningful self portraits in the dark.
I think it was time well spent. 
Caitlin and Olivia came to pick me up at work one day in Caitlin's new car. They were zeroed in on their phones while waiting. 
And I wore my Christmas present to church last week. Looking fabulous I might say!
And there you have it. The deeply spiritual life I've been leading. I could go for deep and meaningful, but I don't wanna. Instead I live to be shallow, floating on the surface of a azure blue ocean on a lovely purple raft with my 120 pound body wearing an orange and white polka dot bikini and sipping on a cola that doesn't have any calories. Which is a statement that caused me to go look up the definition of fantasy and it is...a creation of the imaginative faculty whether expressed or merely conceived.

Life ain't always pretty, but I'm livin it.

Peace people.


gnar car said...

loving the shades! and william looks happy upside down.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha you make me laugh. thank you