Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Christmas morn from the Turner perspective.

We start off Christmas morn gathered round the Christmas tree at the Turner home opening gifts and hoping for something good. Lets take a peek and see if they were happy with their stuff.

The room is far too neat to have made much progress in ripping.
I have no idea what Maggie's opening and Carlie looks to be between giftings. 
Lindsey seems to have a stack of DVD's in her arms. This is all conjecture on my part. 
I'm thinking Maggie got some Duke stuff.
Austin got some water. Poor Austin.
Bill and Randy are chillin and squirrels beware, Maya's on the lookout. 
William looks highly suspicious, "Who took my puffy cheerio thingys? I will find out!"
But he let it go.
Then it was time for a game of pee pie.
Really and truly no one can see me. 
That's how pee pie works people. 
These people are trying to get....
William to engage in the family photo op.
Then it was off to the Grandma's to do Christmas all over again.

This was the question part of the meeting. 
Then the discussion, but Austin says, "I've had enough people!". 
And then someone tried to get all artsy. That's really just a DP can. 
Then panic set in as Carlie asked herself, "Is my ear still there?"  Whew, yes, my ear's still there. 
And again.
Olivia seems to be enjoying a cookie, while I'm enjoying last year's Christmas gift.
This makes so much sense.
More art, which is actually  pretty cool. But there were many and I pared it down to one. 
This is a no.
OK, I get this.
And I like the blue bubble here.
And who would argue this.
Make way for Billie! And Chad knows how to fill the big man chair. 
Come on Billie, smile a little.
There you go. 
Whitney got cowboy boots from Melanie, and she does an EXCELLENT job of showing her enthusiasm. If you doubt me, go buy her a present.  
It was a dark and stormy Christmas morn. No really it was! We had the weather channel on in case we needed to take shelter. Even though there's really no shelter in Gmaw's house and there were too many people to stick in closets. Lets face it people, we were sitting ducks!
Lack of enthusiasm or watching the weather channel intently? 
Willie D wasn't sweating the weather.
The hair's looking mighty good Willie D.
Damage has been done.
In this orange room....
His hair takes on a reddish hue.
And when it's all over, we sit and survey and discuss.
William gave his input on his first Christmas. It was ACES!!
He was pleased with his haul.
Then got a little introspective. 
Call Carlie, 1-800. Just kidding!
Then someone went avant again.
I can't tell if Olivia is oblivious or in cahoots. 
Me and Willie D in low lighting.
This has always been where Christmas happens. 

And that's it as seen from the Turner camera.

Next up will be pics from me. 

I'm bringing it home and it couldn't come soon enough!

Time to go to bed so I can get up at dawn to see Owen inducted into the national honor society! 

Woo hoo!

Nighty night.


gnar car said...

hahahha olivia's face in that one pic.

Anonymous said...

All your observations are STELLAR I can't pick out a couple for fear of forgetting some. But I love when you are under the gun and we get lots of posts in a row hahahahahhaha