Tuesday, July 3, 2012

See? What has happened was......

After the wedding in Dallas, we arrived at the farm in the wee hours of Sunday. One o'clock to be exact. We tumbled into bed and on that first morning when we awoke, it was heavenly knowing we were beginning a whole week's stay. After enjoying the morning on the porch, we made our regular trip to Wal Mart for groceries, and after we'd acquired our staples that included "must haves" such as weird labeled salsa and Jiffy Pop popcorn, we decided to buy a pool for Addy and Rosie. Emma and Olivia thought we needed the big pool, I did not. So guess what? We got the big one. It was gonna be a tight fit putting the big pool inside the car, so I had the great idea the three of us could hold it on the roof. And it worked. For a little while. And then it didn't.

About 1/3 of the way home, it blew off! That speck of a person is Emma chasing the green pool that's now tumbling like a tumbling tumbleweed down the roadside.

She's almost caught up with it.

Either that's a walking pool, or Emma's disappeared behind it.

People rubber necking at the yahoos with the runaway pool.

She's almost wrestled it back to the car.

It looks like a cape. It's super Emma!

Now what?

If at first you don't succeed taking a pool home on the roof of your car, call yourself an idiot and try again.

On the second try, we made it the whole way home. See? What had happened was, the wind got under the front of the pool and just whipped that sucker right off. But the second time we better fought the wind and won! Once back at the farm, the dogs NEVER set foot in it. Not one time.

But it was an adventure we'll never forget!


Unknown said...

Sooooo funny!!

gnar car said...


Anonymous said...

Never set foot in it omg too funny!!!

Caitlin said...

Just another day on the farm!