Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Remember that trip to Corsicana?

I've had a few things slow me up lately and therefore it's taken me longer than expected to post about our Corsicana trip in June. Here's the rest of the trip in pictures, because frankly, I don't remember what I was gonna say about any of it. Unless of course the pictures jog my memory. Scroll down and we'll see.

We began slow on Sunday morning just happy to be there, and as the day ended, the sun did its thing and we enjoyed watching it. And I do love a cow in the distant pasture. It's quite picturesque.

I think this is hands down my favorite view in the entire world. I know lots of other people who would agree with me.

The sunsets are better here than almost anywhere, except maybe the beach.

The grasses always get glowy in the late afternoon sun.

And Caitlin's ALWAYS happy to photo document her presence. Freaking smile Caitlin!

See? Like your cooperative sister Emma.

This is neither a smile, nor cooperation. This is, "I'm plotting my revenge even now."

Or, "Don't interrupt me eating my cookie!"


To soothe myself, I'm going back to the yard.

But I still caught Caitlin singing in the rocket microphone.

I can't resist these pictures and therefore I post multi.

These two could be twinsies.

Love it.

And this.

And this!

The baby of the family.

Little tear...not really....I'm really liking who Owen is becoming.

I was shocked when he agreed to this cheesy setting sun picture.

Nobody paints a picture like this.

The sunsets were beautiful every night.

And different.

This is the dump, its looks are deceiving.

This is the nice man who works at the dump who helped back the car up to the right spot. He was as pleasant as he could be. I don't think I would be a pleasant person if I worked at the dump.

This is John getting stuff out at the dump. I did get out to "help" but then realized I might want to burn my shoes after standing on dump ground, and besides, it stunk. It stunk real bad.

And even though I have fond memories of going to the dump with Gran, there is nothing romantic about the dump. It just plain stinks to high heaven, which makes me wonder how the man who works at the dump can be so pleasant.

Moving on to grass pictures, cause Lord knows I love a grass picture with a cemetery way in the background.

Yes I do.

So much that I post multi again.

I could look at them all day.

But then I pause.

For yet another sunset!

They were just so gorgeous.

From every angle.

No matter where you looked, it was lovely.

Then the girls had a fireworks display even though it wasn't July 4th.

But we love fireworks and sunsets and grasses.

And strobing dance numbers.

By Maggie and Caitlin.

But oh wait there's another grass photo op.

With horses and girls and dogs.

Addy never made friends with the horses.

Buster tried to nip at Addy just a bit. She DID NOT respond well. In fact, I'm sure there was some amount of cussing in her response.

But Hank and Buster look lovely in the glowing afternoon sun.

Maggie sneaking a hug from Hank.

Cute pic of the two.

Gran might call this "boarding house reach."

Or stretching for snacks.

They really are besties.

Gmaw's mashing buttons on the iphone.

Then on a late night ride, we saw this creepster statue on the street corner downtown. Scared the begeezeez out of us the first time we saw it from afar. What it is, is, an homage to the oil workers of yesteryear. Well, statues from yesteryear need not scare the crap out of people. Come up with a better plan!

The boy.

And again.

Since the dogs refused to use the pool, Emma decided to give it a go even though she felt she needed a lifeguard.

Olivia was more than willing to boss her around, so she took the job.

Then in preparation for Owen's 17th birthday party on the back porch, I made orange sherbert.

And chocolate ice cream.

To be joined together with a German chocolate cake from Collin Street. Nothing says "prepared mom" like matches for birthday candles.

Gotta get a group pic.

And with the Gmaw.

And another.

Rosie's the only one older than the Gmaw.

Moon was up early.

Love the silhouettes with the farm in the background.

Addy must have taken this.

This brown cow is mean. I observed him always trying to pester the other cow. His name's probably Dale.

This one's always taking the brunt of the pestering one, must be named Lisa. I'm glad I don't have to carry that headgear around all day.

I'm sorry but these are Elton John glasses. And that's NOT a compliment. Sorry Elton....err Emma.

Ummmm no.

Olivia agreed while enjoying her refreshing extra large limeade from Brahm's

Addy reflecting on her nipping by the horse, alongside Maggie's spurs.

While Maggie was ski swinging.

But then lots of peeps had to go home.

So we slept on it....

And the next day we were back to taking pictures of sunsets.

That were still gorgeous.

Grasses and skies alike.

On one of our late night rides Emma, Olivia and I saw the HUGEST bullfrog in the world! He would have been terrible to splat.

Then Olivia contemplated what happens when you shank a golf ball, or is it slice? Either way, it don't go where you want it.

Then Addy insisted.

We stop to take a picture of this thunderhead.

Check out this weird cloud over the farm. LOVE IT.

So weirldy cool.

Sunset from a swing's view.

Then on a trip to Collin Street, we saw these Canadian geese taking a break.

And then Olivia began a chair improvement project.

But she kept it cherry red.

Rosie was unimpressed.

There are just so many adjectives for these sunsets.

Another unexplained weird photo I love.

I know of two people I'd like to see sitting here.

And we made the boys go back with us to see the field of sunflowers.

I love this not so great picture of a field full of black eyed susans.

Eh, so so picture.

But I love this shadowy thistle picture

I can't explain it, but I love this one too.

And this one.

Finally, Addy was jailed for bad behavior.

Then another grass photo op came available and we all know what I did.

I adore this.

Then it was rocket launching time. There's much preparation for this event. A trip must be made to Hobby Lobby (before we leave town) in order to buy engines to make the thing go up.

Then John and Olivia check wind conditions FOR DAYS as I'm saying, "Just launch it already!"

Then FINALLY, WHOOSH! And it's over in 3 seconds. It's very anticlimactic.

The horses seemed to enjoy it though.

And Lisa the cow......HEY.....

Then, one afternoon we were standing right there, and Addy just stepped over into the big pasture with the horses! Well, since the three of them aren't, and probably never will be besties, there was immediate fence mending to do. And while they were doing this, I may or may not have attempted to crawl under a piece of the barbed wire fence and may or may not have gotten stuck and may or may not have had to be rescued from said barbed wire fence. I have no photos of this alleged event.

But Lisa the cow saw it, she refused to talk about it though.

What enticed me was, more grass pictures!

A different view of the back porch.

And another.

Then I took these glowing grass tops and was pleased.

And right before we go home, it's target shooting time with air rifles. Love the hair halo on Olivia.

Gotta get things ready for shooting.

John's going to make sure the target area is ready.

Dad and daughter aiming at crap in the pasture. They love it.

And to bookend the trip, a blurry picture I really like of Owen.

And then a fake walking one.

And that's the trip. We started with the wedding and then moved on to sunsets and sunflowers and grassy pictures. It was a hall of famer trip for sure. We were ready to stay for more, but life at home was beckoning us back to it.

And now as this week progresses, I've got to ready myself for the beach. If I have time, I may or may not tell of my experience in the last week, which started out as a nightmare and ended up being great news for me. Stay tuned to see, cause the beach begins on Saturday. I have 4 days to get bikini ready!

Noooooo problem.

Later spoon bills.

I don't know......


Anonymous said...

Lovely post. gotta love a Texas sunset!!!

gnar car said...

gotta love caitlin's fake smile in all the pics. hahahha

but love them! pretty sunsets!