Sunday, October 29, 2017

Another few days have passed

It's Friday again and I'm thinking it's time to do a post. Once again, except for making some stylistic changes on my blog, I've found myself avoiding blogging. My life doesn't warrant very much excitement these days.

The biggest news I have to report is that our refrigerator is still not fixed. It will be until some time next week before it might get repaired. That's a month since a repairman came to look at it the first time. And 4 to 6 months since it started messing up. That annoys. Turns out it's a design flaw in the unit and not a broken part. Thanks for doing your part to screw stuff up at my house Whirlpool. Never again.  

We had a highly successful trip to Corsicana, except for warm temps. Summer has not gotten the message yet. I'm ready to complain about it being too cold! It's currently October 26th and it's 77.5 degrees outside. There's a cold front coming though and the temps are supposed to plummet into the 30's by the weekend. That's an extreme change and maybe uncalled for. Look at me ending multiple sentences with prepositions! I love myself right now. 

It's now Saturday and Caitlin's here for the weekend and it's currently 51.1 degrees outside. Our family won't be enjoying the warmth and glow of an inside fire though, due to my harvest decorations on the hearth. I just can't dismantle all my work for a day's fire. I can assure all people the weather is going to turn again and then my undoing of my decorations would be a pain in my side. 

Today Caitlin, Olivia and I ran a few errands and the big city girl that is now Caitlin can get quite riled up at any driver that crosses our path. As we were behind a person turning right very slowly she yelled, "Why are you moving so slow? We don't want to see your stick family (you know that decal on the backs of some cars) keep it moving!!! Her fuse was short and that's the honest truth about that. 

Right now we have chili cooking on the stove, jalapeƱo cornbread in the oven and some sort of pastry sitting on pans waiting for their turn to be baked. If Emma were here, all would be as good as it gets for me.  

I'm still continuing my foray into cupcake photo shoots. Newsflash cupcakes never complain and never talk back. It's really quite nice.  

 As opposed to the person on the left side in this photo.

Cupcakes also don't have attitude.

Sunday has now come by for one day this week and I'm still working this thing to death to have a post ready least one day soon.

Today we were late for church because Olivia and Owen are slow enough to annoy me and make me late for church. As God as my witness this will be the last time it happens. Since I'll be out of town next Sunday, this scenario will have to play out in two weeks. It's like a cliffhanger for church goers.

It's 5:31 now on Sunday afternoon and Caitlin has left again for the big city. It's 61.4 degrees out my back door and the big news of the afternoon is I just found one of my cinderella pumpkins in a total mush meltdown on the floor in front of my fireplace. Ew and gross and it was not fun cleaning it up. So gross. I've had the worst time this year keeping my gourds and pumpkins alive for this decorating season. It's never happened this way before and I'm losing my faith in the gourd/pumpkin family. If it weren't for fake gourds and pumps, I'd have none at all. 

From Friday until 1:00 this afternoon seven trips were made to the grocery store by my family. I blame Whirlpool. My refrigerated items are spread out over two frigs. The pissy one was a balmy 61 degrees today. Milk products don't appreciate that. 

I'm not sure if I've reported on Addy's injury here yet. A couple months ago she was found to have torn the equivalent to an ACL in a human. She knows not that she shouldn't run because she will reinjure herself. She limps a lot these days.   

I'll close with this picture from 2007 and the first time I took a pic of this cypress that's been documented by me now almost every year since then. 

Thanksgiving is so close and large family gatherings are about to happen for real. 

We will soon be singing all the Thanksgiving songs.

Wait, are there Thanksgiving songs? Over the river? Through the woods? 

I'll just be riding a few blocks when T giving happens. 

We are in the season of holidays people! 

Where did 2017 go already? We're churning out these years like pretentious butter. 

I have to stop now... 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It’s thanksgiving week now. STUNNING. It’s a bummer you couldn’t use the pumpkins you grew for your decorations. I bet they would have lasted for you... seeing as how they would have been VERY fresh. ☺️