Thursday, June 9, 2016

Not a good week for me and technology

It's been a week for me. Notice I didn't say a good one.

A few months ago I decided to be proactive in protecting my digital photos and bought a back up external hard drive so I could have two copies of all my pics. Over the last few months, I also took the time to go through every single photo album I own...starting from 1981, spending hours and days and weeks scanning any photo I felt worthy and adding it to the new hard drive. I bought new photo albums to replace the worst old ones...all the while going through every single photo and putting it into its new photo book home. 

During that time, I didn't add those scanned old photos to my old hard drive, but I spent hours organizing photos on the new hard drive and making handy folders to be able to grab a pic so fast. I was moving and shaking. Well, this past Sunday I tried to open the new hard drive and it would that is. I immediately I should have. After multi attempts at trying to get in, I could not. Olivia, Owen, John and I tried multiple things but to no avail. 

Nothing worked. 

No things worked. 

After some phone calls my hope is almost lost. The Geek Squad informed John it could be from $400 to $1400 to rescue my pictures off the NEW hard drive I bought to back up my OLD hard drive that...thank the Lord....still works. 

I'm as disappointed as a person could be who spent so much time on a project only to have it disappear forever. For the consumer's sake, the old hard drive is a Verbatim. The new piece of junk is a Seagate. 

Moving on to a piece of my backyard I've wanted to show....but with a heavy countenance....

Don't forget I'm so angry and frustrated. Paper is better than technology. 

But now to the backyard....

John and I...more John than me....did an overhaul of a portion of our back yard. We have much more work to do to reclaim it from the weeds. After the last flood John put a drain in the back yard and voila! It doesn't hold water like it used to. He and I are slow learners to say the least because we both wondered out loud why didn't we do that years ago. I guess all I can say is, better late than flooded. It's our hope we will never worry about flooding again.

The before...
 And the afters....
Some observations about it all...

I bought the street sign in an antique store in Corsicana and it's a new favorite treasure. I've wanted a Corsicana street sign for a long time and was so happy to find this one. The wagon wheel came from John digging around looking for arrow heads and found this instead! The fern is two years old and looking mighty fine. And the area were there is no grass is where the drain now runs underground. I'm very pleased with the result. 
Notice I took a very strategic picture so as not to show any of the unfinished parts. 

This is what our yard looked like when the torrential rains came back a few months ago.

And this is a happy Owen on the roof putting a box over the chimney to keep the rain from coming in during the flood.

And this is Addy watching the seemingly never ending rain.

And that's it for this post. 

I have no clever ending. 

And I don't think my annoyance about the loss of my pictures came through at all. 

On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm about 1,000. 

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