Friday, March 4, 2016

The Christmas mistake

I've been uploading pictures like a mad woman in the last few days. 

In the long process of looking for and uploading pictures, I ran across these from this year's Christmas tree purchase. A terrible thing happened the day we bought our tree. I forgot to document the tree picking with a picture at the tree lot. I've only been doing it for the last forever years, so how could I forget?! Well, I did. I was very, very sad. SO, I proposed to my dear sweet family that we all go back to Home Depot, so my darling children could stand in front of the Christmas trees and I could take their picture. Imagine my surprise when they refused. Irrational of them....I know. I was incensed. My idea was reasonable and not ridiculous, but they would not budge.

One of the village idiots proposed we take one in front of our own the house....that did not look like a Christmas tree lot.....and call it good. 

Since I am nothing if not willing to compromise and get along with people, I agreed. The following pictures are a testament to how silly this endeavor was. And I hate to admit it, but these pictures are hilarious and memorable. Therefore it must have been my idea all along.  

See for yourself.

Some observations:
After some rethinking, I MAY actually need a selfie stick.
Olivia was literally caught in a blurry move to the back of the pack. 
I'm terrible at trying to take a picture and realizing I'm in it.
Emma found her game face and she stuck the landing on that bad boy, never changing.
Having said I love these pictures, this will NOT be the new tradition! It will be back to the tree lot next year, and if I make them take an extra change of clothes, I might can make two years happen in one. I'll be thinking about that.'s the final product for the 2015 Christmas.
It was a very crunchy Christmas tree by December 25th. But there's always next year. 

I love a cozy Christmas tree. 

I'm trying to hit the sheets before 3am tonight. 

If I hurry, I'll make it.

Snuggle and sleep, that's what comes next.