Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The kitchen and Lake Eerie

Well people, the kitchen has been sanded and painted and I've survived it. It took me about 8 hours of painting yesterday to get it all finished. There's nothing to see yet since I still have much to do before it's mildly presentable. I say that because the cabinets are staying for now, and they are bad. But, I'm choosing to look at other stuff instead of the terribly outdated cabinets. And everything on me hurts due to 8 hours of up downs on a step ladder. 

A few in my fam are heading west for the weekend, although I'm not sure why since the weather is hotter there than here. It seems like a hairbrained scheme to leave very hot weather for even hotter weather. But we are loading up and taking this show on the road. Since I only have two weeks til school starts back, this will be my swan song trip without needing to secure a sub for myself. 

Meanwhile, I'm posting pictures from our trip to Lake Erie. It was a huge highlight of our trip. And there's a story about it.

Lets get started...

After our lovely ride down the center of Amishhood, we made a beeline for Lake Erie. My girls have a penchant for making things happen. This is how the entire scheme went down. They had a whispered discussion about something they wanted to do. Then they made it become reality. That's how we found ourselves on our way to Erie. I don't know why they chose to do it that way, because I was always on board to see as much of the Northland as possible while there. But it's how they roll. 

Just to recap...on that morning we went to McConnels Mill, found the Amish in the early afternoon, and at about four we started the drive to Erie. John's sister was with us that day so there were seven for the 1 1/2 ish hour ride. It was an uneventful drive and shockingly not unlike Louisiana in terrain. Once we arrived in town, a small controversy began that ended well. Here's how it went. 

We rolled up on some water and I was thinking, "Oh, there's Lake Erie." It's logical. We were in Erie, there was water, there were boats. BUT. It wasn't.

We saw a restaurant, decided to stop, put our name in for an outside table, and John and I thought we were prepared to settle in for a lovely sunset. Not so fast. During that whole process the girls were atwitter because they knew what I did not and that was....we were on the bay and not the lake. OK, calm down. It's fixable. The biggest problem was that John had seen a menu and was delighted to see some weird fish on it. Walleye maybe? Or a mackerel? I don't know. 

Anyway, the girls came up to me (the go between) in a panic saying this was not where we wanted to be and they wanted me to break the news to the dad and the sis. I did, and while John was a little cranky because he wasn't gonna get his sockeye salmon? I don't know. We loaded back into the car and by using GPS guided by Caitlin or Olivia, determined to find the lake. I'm very happy to say we did and it was worth it. 

Scroll and see. 
The first restaurant had duck in the name and adorable baby ducks out front. That's all I remember. 
We had an ahhh moment when we finally found the lake and walked down to it.
It was a great decision to continue looking for this place we found. 
A couple of selfies to document the day. 
I love this picture. 
Then with John and Gretchen.
The last time I got new glasses they told me I needed some stupid something that makes my lens look blue and they are stupid. The doctor people and my blue glasses are stupid. Hate the blue.
Fabulousness in lighthouse form.
Get ready for another.
Because it's rare for me to take pictures of my kids in front of a lighthouse. 
As the sun began to set we were happy to stay and watch until it sizzled into the lake, but then as John's sister and I were talking she told me she had to be at work at 7:30 the next morning! We had to make haste! We still had to eat and drive back to Butler and then she had to drive to Pittsburgh! It was a long day for sure, but totally worth it. 
It was gloriously lovely and beautiful and serene. All the good words.
As you will see, I had a hard time culling the sunset pics. 

As we were leaving, there was a photographer and a couple coming to take photos in front of the set. It was gonna be good and I wish I could have seen them. Sigh...
Then, some people got goofy.
And while we were heading away from the lake and looking for food, they took multi pics. 

We stopped at this super cute place. 
Was it Sara's? Was it striped bass? I don't know, but I'd definitely go back cause it was yum.
We ordered in and ate out and it was a lovely experience all around. 
Had to use this even though Beba's eyes are closed. 
Prepare for selfies and such. 
Cute pic. Bad blue. 
Then the girls saw this car and an opportunity. 
There are lots of these because they make me laugh.
Emma hopped in for a ride.
Then they were crusin...
Just a couple more...I guess it would have been more believable if you couldn't see Caitlin's feet. 
Emma! Never get out of a moving Flintstone car!
Then a pic with the hot dog man.
One more.
Then Debbie Downer got in and it wasn't as much fun. What. A. Munch.
Not even gonna play.
And as the sun set on our few hours in Erie, we were happy to have seen it and spend time there. 
It was a good day to be there.

And now time is drawing near for me to leave town and sweat. I suspect there will be lots of that happening. And while I'd say I'll write about the trip when I get home, we all know that's just not true. I've had a difficult time keeping up with my blog while doing home improvement. 

Or ever. 

Or at all.

Was it musket? 

But I think that's a gun.

The fish mystery will continue until I care to find out what it was.

Peace out peeps, my ride is here! 

Safe travels to all and good news for one tomorrow. 

Only good news. 

God bless us all and keep us healthy. Amen.


John said...

The trip to the lake was a great time - it would have been fun to spend the night and another day exploring. Sara's was a really cool little burger place, and they had great milk shakes!

The kitchen looks great - you do such great work!

Emma said...

I really miss Lake Erie more than I thought I would! Can't believe that trip was so long ago already.

Mrs. Ford said...

Just LOVE Lake Erie sunsets. ❤️ I'm guessing the fish John wanted was perch or walleye. And the first restaurant on the bay was The Sloppy Duck. :) Glad you enjoyed Andrew's and my first home. :)