Friday, February 21, 2014

Some things about the week so far

I really am going to start taking notes about life because lots of amusing and funny things have happened in the last week and I can't remember any of them! Such a bummer! But here are a few I was able to recall...

Last Saturday the annual Mardi gras parade was held in our city and then after church on Sunday, we were watching TV and were incredibly fortunate to find the last thirty minutes of the parade with local commentary. IT. WAS. GOLD. They said things like wonderful and spic and span tons of times, but the most spectacular comment came when a parade organizer was asked for the estimated crowd size. She said, "Oh I have no idea, but I'd guess about 100,000. You know the parade is so long that the people who are at the beginning of the parade can make it to this side of the river before it ends." Which prompted Emma to yell at the TV, "Marlene you can't count those people twice!" And then Emma said, "There were 200 people at church this morning because I counted four times." And I just laughed all over again because it's still funny.

On Sunday Owen came home from work and went to his room to change and then came and sat in the den with John and me. As we were sitting there the room began to fill with odor and I quickly determined Owen's feet smelled so bad it made me hold my nose. Then it drifted to John's nose and then Caitlin walked through and said "what's that terrible smell." It was the funk smelled round the den. Clearly Owen thought it all humorous as well as a sense of accomplishment that he'd made his mark. Albeit a terribly smelly one. Boys and their gross outs....I'll never understand it.

On Monday Olivia and I were coming home from her school and when we were nearing the traffic circle near our house we noticed a person stopped, waiting for anyone within five miles to come and drive through it before he moved on. His action prompted Olivia to call the person an idiot and then say, "I equally love and hate this thing. If you want to see how stupid someone is, just bring them to this traffic circle and see how they use it and you'll find out."

For the past few days I've been working on uploading my Christmas pictures and I found a HUGE problem. What had happened was....I got a new camera for Christmas, and in my zeal to use it, I forgot to program the date and time and yada yada yada. Well, when I transferred the pics to my computer they were numbered, but ALL out of order. For some reason they began with 15 and then jumped to 42 and then 25 and so on and so on. MY WORST NIGHTMARE. We all know I DON'T put pictures on my blog out of order. SO, I decided to literally upload 100 plus pictures to my blog by picking each one numerically. MY SECOND WORST NIGHTMARE. It was taking so long that I came up with a new idea. I decided I'd upload all of them and then put them in order by the numbering system the blog has. Because I can look at the code of the picture, I can see the number and then put them in order. SO, I uploaded them, and when I went to start placing them in numerical order, they already were. Ummm....what? Yes, that's correct. The blog was smart enough to put the pictures in numerical order. How many hours did I waste doing it the long way? One billion. Or about 4. It's not easy being so dumb. It's actually quite exhausting. SO, while I have lots of Christmas pictures uploaded, it's gonna take time to cull a bunch. Because lets face it, most of them are of William doing something cute somewhere on Christmas morning. While other people were there as well. 

Also as all people should know the Olympics are on and my family is now an expert on judging all skating events. And while I have no idea the difference between a triple lutz and a triple axel, I know the judges aren't being fair to the skaters I like when they supposedly don't do either correctly. And judges gang up against any American person because they want their own people to win. So not fair. Which leads me to this story. Yesterday I opened my twitter, which I hardly ever open and saw this article by 'The Onion' which was reporting that the Italian figure skater had broken through the ice during her short program and people were frantically trying to save her before she succumbed to hypothermia. And I was all like, WHA?!?!?!?!? How could this happen? Is the rink actually on top of a pond of water? Why would they do that? It would be so dangerous! Is the building built on top of water? And why are they having such a hard time getting her out? This is craziness!! All these thoughts were thought in 5 seconds and then I realized it was all a load of crap and some idiot who probably doesn't know how to use a traffic circle wrote a fake article just to piss me off. 

Then tonight Grandma, John and I went to a Scholars banquet honoring Owen and his fellow top 20 students from his high school. The speaker had some good stories but he spoke entirely too long, which prompted me to get my phone out and sneak a few minutes of games and Instagram. Which then reminded me why I didn't do so good in high school due to concentration issues. But by gum by golly I can NAIL a traffic circle every single time I come up against one. And in Olivia's book, that makes me a non idiot. 

Even the east German judges, who SUPPOSEDLY don't exist anymore would have to give me the gold for that. 

More posts will come. But I'm not gonna lie, I don't know when.

 It's 2:09 on a Friday morning, do you know where my pillow is?


CAW said...


CAW said...

OMG!!!!!! IT TOOK MY COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS DESERVES THIS MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gnar car said...

haha i love the onion. fake newspaper. it's hilarious. give it a chance!!

Anonymous said...

I'll take my non idiot accreditation for passing the traffic circle test!!