Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Those cotton picking misbehaving girls.

A few weeks ago I made two trips to take pictures in some cotton fields south of town. On my first trip I went with John and got a few photos, but we got there a little late in the day to take my quota. A couple of days later I returned with Grandma, Emma, Olivia and Maggie. That day the sun wasn't in a cooperative mood so as the girls and I were standing out in the country waiting for the cloud cover to move, Olivia used her time as efficiently as a tiny squirrel quickly filling her pockets with acorns to use as weapons against her sister. Shortly after she filled her arsenal/pockets, what quickly ensued was a breakdown of the situation with Emma yelling a lot and Olivia laughing as much.

Caught in the act of acorn chunking.

Then, when Olivia had exhausted her acorn reserve, she turned to throwing picked cotton at her sister in order to help in her quest to annoy Emma even more.

Eventually the following exchange occurred.
Emma, "OLIVIA! Stop it! You are wasting cotton!"
Olivia convulsed with laughter, but refused to stop harassing her sister.
Emma, "OLIVIA! Stop wasting cotton, there are children in India who don't have any!"

By this time, the sun was being as uncooperative as the girls and so I thought I'd try to get some cute pics of them amongst the cotton. What was I thinking? After all, they're only 19 and 20 years old. Why did I think they would behave? Scroll down and see what I mean.

She looks so innocent here.

It started going downhill fast. Olivia's trying to make-up/taunt/trick her sister into believing she was finished with the harassment....she was not. By this time, Maggie had joined in the "cotton harassing" as well.

Cute of Emma and Olivia. Maggie turned at the wrong moment.

I think she had turned to get more harassment material.

Now it's just an assembly line of harassment.

Was that a bug or cotton?

It's just a matter of time.....

Until Emma starts throwing punches. Olivia and Maggie are quite pleased with themselves.

Yep she's had enough.

And here comes the fist.

By this time I'm sure I'd started yelling.

But they cared not.

And now it's totally broken down. If I'd been using a video camera I'd have stopped the taping in order to have an undocumented hissy fit.

Emma's shielding herself while Olivia and Maggie are looking for more ammo.

Yep she's reloaded.

Why? Why are you doing that to annoy me?

Innocence? I think not.

I told you.

What's Maggie fashioning.

It just never stopped,

Punches still flying.

Finally a cute picture. Maggie was cut from this because she was droopy eyed.

Are you kidding me? After 9 million pictures, one decent shot of the 3 of them.

Some people are said to have a heart of gold, Maggie's is a heart of cotton.

Once more with feeling.

Emma shoved the other two out of the frame.


Cute again.

One more til next year.

The freaking end.

1 comment:

Becky said...

hahaha girls will be girls!! nice to have you 'back' if only for a snippet