Thursday, October 6, 2011

Some random photos from labor day

Just a few random pictures of the little girls and a few grown ups and pups. I love the sunlight in lots of these pictures. Good pictures make me feel good. They evoke a memory and a response in me that I can't explain. I think I'll always love to take pictures. At least I hope so. And each time I see a picture of these little girls, it makes me wish so much that Frank could be here to enjoy spending time with his beautiful granddaughters. AND so I could call him Grandpa A LOT. Because as many times as he teased me about him being smarter than me, as long as he was here, he was ALWAYS older.

More time with him would have been wonderful.

He was good people.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

no truer words could be spoken...he would most definitely be smitten with "his girls"!!!! what a wonderful post...makes my heart smile...