Thursday, September 7, 2017

Lagging behind badly and leaving town again

Don't be confused when you begin this post, I started it long ago, but just finished it today. 

Wednesday, August 23

We've been home from Texas for two weeks now, but I've been out of sorts from not feeling fabulous. I've been to the doc, got meds and yet I'm still coughing my brains out. It hasn't been any fun at all.  

Our Texas vacation was hot and work filled, and kicked my butt. My family spent our vacay in Corsicana under the hot Texas sun. When we made our plans to go, the weather was projected to be in the lower 90's and we were in high cotton. But because the weather forecast is as predicable as a cat's love, it turned on us and was hot as a euphemism I can't use in a "family" blog.

Friday, August 25

Since I've been home, I've really fought to feel better, but it hasn't gone well for me. I'm now at two weeks of feeling crappy and therefore the blog work has suffered. The only reason I'm currently typing this is because there are plumbers in my house at the moment due to a stopped up sink in the bathroom, and I'm trying to look busy and studious. The plumbers don't seen to care though, so I don't know how long this will last.

Update: Bill for the plumbing was $266 for the removal of two huge hair balls. Thanks Lab Partner. STEVE! 

In other news, Caitlin experienced an earthquake this morning in her apartment in Texas and let me say.... Whaaaaa? Earthquakes in Texas are not on my prayer radar! Thank the Lord, Jesus is way smarter than me. She is fine and coming home today. Yay! 

Also Hurricane Harvey is approaching land in Texas and much prayer is needed for the people who live there. 

Monday, August 28

Well Harvey is wreaking havoc in Houston and it's gut and heart wrenching to watch people's lives turned upside down. But the goodness of our country comes out when terrible things happen. It makes me teary eyed to see people helping people, not caring about race or ethnicity.  Which makes me know that news programs focus on the bad and not the good in the people of America.

The screaming people shown over and over on TV is NOT the norm. It just isn't. Having said that, I know there are people who do hate. But the only answer for those that do is the salvation, love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. God's love is the only thing that can change a hate filled heart. God bless Texas. It's always been on my list of first loves. It's been home to some of my most favorite people in the world. It holds wonderful memories of houses and family and hayrides and farm animals and attics and brick streets and quaint downtowns and bluebonnets and firewheels and sunflowers and fireworks. I could keep going. But I won't. My bigger point is, I love Texas and consider it to be one of my homes. Texas and Louisiana are always in my heart. 

Today I'm sitting in my Louisiana home thinking about my other one. So I'm going back to look at our Texas vacation. It was a low key vacation which is what all my people wanted. 

Come see how we vacation Texas style.  
Leaving day was a rainy one. 
I just said that. 
I still feel that way. 
Emma has always called Addy a fluffer nutter. 
It was a cloudy day in Athens. 
Even the tiny town of Trinidad has a snap filter. Shocking. Some towns in Texas make it sound like you traveled the world, but you never left the state. There's Athens, Rome, Trinidad and Palestine. Just a factoid I've thought about.   
We have reached paydirt. 
Another landmark to confirm we were there. 
Hank only loves me for the treats. 
He looks like he wants to give me a sugar, but it was the treat in my hand he cared about. 
Yes Virginia, the crape myrtle still blooms. 
Eradication of this was the goal once we arrived. For me and John anyway. 
I've never seen this overgrowth at the farm ever. 
We had to tame this beast.
Addy is confirming that it was hot.
So I began the cutting process with a's what I used to cut these vines of morning glory and pumpkin off the fence and gate and cattle chute. And as far as the sin quote, I was joking, but it's true!! 
I then rewarded myself with a margarita. Ole! Don't miss the sunglassed set in the background. 
The drink was very festive with the palm trees added for extra flair. 
Not sure what's going on here, but I do see cookie eating taking place. 
Someone took out our stop sign and road sign. Hooligans. 
It'll never happen. 
Kit Kat making fun of my hearing protection. 
Emma DRESSED as a Kit Kat. 
First night with a good sunset. Well done. 
Best back porch ever. 
And what a view it is. 
It rained on our first morning there, so the girls and I took off for Waco to spend the afternoon. 
At the Silos we had cupcakes and cookies and shopped. 
They love to take a selfie with Mumzie. That's sarcasm if you didn't recognize it. 
I had taken my other hand sani out of my purse and when we got inside the disco to eat a burger, I found my Origin bank sani and we rejoiced. 
Also while inside the disco, I took a silhouette of the Beebs. 
I'm pretty sure Beba would have this for her own if she could. 
Lake Waco in the background, a goober up front. 
We left Waco in search of Chip and Jo's house in Crawford. We did not find it. If either one of them happens upon this blog, it'd be great if you'd drop me your address. 
We got back in time for me to share the sunset with Hank.
Looks exactly the same as P an P. 
Lovely cloudy clouds. 
Even Addy enjoys a good sunset. 
Pretentious coffee travels with us. 
Then we had a happening down the road and Olivia was on the case.
The tree people came, then the police came and we IMMEDIATELY (Ok I immediately) thought they found a dead body in the pasture. 
Beba has sources...
That is true...the police did leave. 
When the people started to leave, I decided to spring into action. 
I was about to get some answers. 
I did drive by, made the loop around and came back with info. 
I was still looping around while Beba was still wondering what was going on. 
All that is true. There was no dead body, or so they said. It was all about a power line that had been knocked down and blah blah blah...nothing more. Would it be weird if I said I was disappointed it wasn't something more serious, seeing as how it's just a stone's throw from our house? Yes, I think it would. 
Meanwhile, Caitlin was worried about Charlotte up there in the sky. 
Then we went for a ride down my favorite road. 
Had to go by Frank's place. 
I love how they love each other. 
That afternoon, Addy decided to dig a big Joey hole. 
She was determined to find the gopher/mole. No idea which one it is and really don't care. I DO care that the little bugger digs and digs and digs everywhere. The gopher/mole, not Addy. It's annoying. 
These all crack me up and therefore I kept them all in.
It's gotta be hot in that hole. 
Even after much time spent, she found nothing. 
I agree she was happy with herself. 
She did not. 
Another good sunset. 
Good from every view. 
Then I tried to get artsy. 
A couple more.
I thought these were brilliant when I was taking them. Now, not so much.
That's what that is.
Then we went on a late night ride on a moonlit night and saw an owl sitting on a power line under the moonlight and it was magical. 
There he is.
Then, we went further and saw another one! Two in one night is unprecedented. 
Then Emma did some swinging. 
Ugh, vacay is halfway over. 
The Beebs getting all voguey.
The big reveal after all the hot, hard work.
One more.
Yes, the pumpkins couldn't be saved because of all the vines entangled together. 
Then I took some sunflower pics that were just OK. 

I love the clouds in this one. 

As you can see, I had a hard time taking any out. 

Kit Kat in a Kit Kat get up. 
This is true. 
The girls were outside surviving the heat with water toys. 
This is also true.
One afternoon Olivia tried to climb over the fence and got her foot caught on the top rail and she fell and then the rotten board broke. So John fixed it as well as some other fence boards.  
I'm not sure these people know that cows need to be in fences. This is the same yard we've seen them at before. 
Multi cows out. It's not good for the bovine. 
Get ready to continue to see this road in my blog. It's my fave. 
Blackie lives on.
Happy with the sunset. 
I did a before and after one more time. 
I think this was our last full day. 
That pool has a sprinkling water palm tree attached to it. 
Storm's a brewin. 
The bounty of gourds we left.
Then it was time to go. We went home to Louisiana and Caitlin stayed in Texas. 
Yes we were. 
People eating ice cream. 
This sunset was gorgeous and would have been better at the farm. Bummer. 
Look at that!
It kept going...
And going.
Ugh, Addy's at the vet today with a hurt leg. Still waiting to hear all will be well. 
Clearly we were driving in the wrong direction. 
Last one. 
Back in Louisiana. 
September 6

It's now September 6th and I've not been here in forever. I've lost my drive again. I bore myself to tears almost every single time I come. 

But I just got inspired by a mosquito to write this down before I forget it. It's very deep, so get ready. I was sitting here looking up recipes for milk and chalk paints and whilst I was, a mosquito was buzzing around me. He's been bugging me ALL day and I haven't managed to kill him. Well, this time he buzzed and left. Then buzzed and left again. I swatted and missed and swatted and missed, until finally I snatched him right out of the air with my hand and declared out loud to the dead mosquito, "You mess with the bull you're gonna get the horns." I felt ridiculously satisfied with myself for saying that to a dead mosquito. 

September 7

Still feel the same about the mosquito today.

Also, Addy is currently under sedation for an X-ray of her hip and knee. She's been having some trouble with it and it's concerning. She's almost 10 years old. That's 70 for her! She's tough though and I'm believing for fixable good news in Jesus name.

I'm off for now to see Grandma before I leave town this evening and won't be back until Wednesday so, no blogging before then. And even then it will be questionable.  

I'm out til Irma passes by safely and causes no more damage. Lord have mercy on us and our country. 

All will be well in the end.


Anonymous said...

Love a blog post!!! Never bored at all!!!! Melanie

Unknown said...

I'm never bored either! I've been routinely checking for a new post -- was happy this morning to have one to enjoy!