Friday, June 11, 2010

Weird things continue to happen

Last night John and I were about halfway through our walk at about 9:00 p.m. and as we were making our way across the ULM pharmacy parking lot, I promise this happened. We watched as an old dark colored hearse with a for sale sign on the side window drive into the parking lot slowly and the driver yelled something unintelligible at us. He didn't drive near us but went in the opposite direction and then exited the parking lot and went on his way.

Umm what?

That's just one of the weird things, happening, as we walk at night in Louisiana. When it's 93 degrees at 5:00 in the afternoon, we have to decide between heat or weirdies. It's getting harder to choose the weirdies.

Three weeks ago we were standing in the street for 45 minutes with 5 other people trying to get a kitten out of a storm drain. People were getting ladders, climbing down into the drain, trying to coax the kitty who refused to cooperate. We never got it out and I don't know what happened to it. Also another clandestine meeting in the dark parking lot involving the same car. There's crazy stuff going on at night when people are locked up in their homes.

I'm just sayin.

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