Love it.
Live it.
See it.
Be it.
I don't think all that applies but I liked the way it sounded.
- left at 12:26 pm
-stopped at sonic to get a drink
- just came into mississippi
- lin & whit already veto'd my playlist
- attempted at the game 'i spy'......didn't work

3:45 - alabama
- hard to write riding in the car
- came up with names for lin's cats -- pollyanna
- stopped at a jameson inn(much to whitney's delight)
- got up this morning - it's snowing!
- went through virginia - THE ENTIRE STATE FROM EAST TO WEST.
- it sucked major
- horrible drivers(left lane is not for chillin'!)
- speed limit - 65 - what?!
- got to the hotel - staff is terrible
- they're pretentious, mean and horrid
- No WIFI?!?!? are you kidding?!
- they gave us a thermostat that we cannot adjust due to the hotel's set temperature --
how is that practical?
- bad channel selection - they do have CBS much to everyone else's chagrin but mine because march madness for the win!! go unc! (yes, caitlin didn't like basketball for a season or two...this is why i can not take her love for duke seriously -- don't put that in) (sorry Barkie it went in)
day one in the dc of the washington
- lin flirted with some cuties that wore the capital police uniform
which brings me to expressing how attractive most fellows here in DC are.
we, girls, sure appreciated it
- went to the white house -- very cool.

- toured the capital
- we had to wear headsets so we could hear our tour guide over all the commotion -- NOT cool
- also made caitlin very wary of any sign that read "audio tours" for the rest of the week -- understandable

- walked. A LOT. that's all.
- library of congress
- a blessed sitting experience with steph in j. crew while in georgetown
- had some mediocre food
day 2
- mount vernon
-caitlin wants to get married there
- PB SAGA IS OVER!( this means the peanut butter saga is over because we literally searched for a store that had some freaking PB and it took us two whole days to finally find it. we then got some right before mount vernon. our mistake was leaving it in the car while we did mount vernon. why? a line. 3 hours. five starving girls. plus there were picnics going on in GW's backyard and we were severely disappointed)

- FINALLY found a good place to eat! long live billy goat tavern and grill!
- walked at night by the washington memorial, lincoln memorial, world war 2 memorial
- best night so far.

natural history
- fun but a huge amount of children. ugh.
american history was closed. grr.
stood in line FOREVER for national archives. to stare at the declaration of independence for about 1 minute and we didn't even get a good look because there were about 40 people in front of us.
- it's very degrading to be corralled like cattle when we're let in to things like this. just sayin'

day 3 - 3/27/08
- went to the national gallery of art
- it was nice. saw jackson pollock, andy warhol and caitlin got lost.
day 3 - 3.28.08
- we PLANNED to go tour the holocaust but they decided to make it insanely difficult to get in the permanent exhibit.
- we get tickets unknowingly for a time of 1:15. we were going to arlington after so it wouldn't have worked! why though? why must it be so difficult? we just wanted to learn about the holocaust, yet we did not. because we, the cattle, were not meant to be corralled for this particular museum.
- lindsey and whitney got to go through though on the day we went because they snuck in and ended up on a service elevator. shady.
- went to the zoo after arlington. just so people know IT DOES NOT LOOP. which is just the dumbest thing ever.

- caitlin's arm muscles got a good work out because of the 15 pounds worth of books she had bought in arlington. unfortunately when you buy things in washington dc, you have to carry them until you get home.
- sat next to a very nice lady on the benches at the zoo. we were resting our legs. she was a masseuse. we all thought about asking her about massaging our feet.
- tried to eat at union station for the 5000th time but everything closes at 6. i felt like we were in monroe. never staying downtown again.

all in all, washington dc was utterly fantastic.
me and lindsey just went through this and FANTASTIC!!!!!!
such a good job! and i want to go back there!!!
also caitlin's face in that last zoo picture is EXACTLY how she felt all day. it was not fun.
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