Friday, May 14, 2010

This stuff really does happen to me

The other night I was going to take a shower. It's normal. There's no need to alert the media. I did the normal stuff. I got my pj's, I turned the water on.....cause it takes forever for it to heat up.......I got my towels out, got undressed, got in. Even after all pre-shower prep had been completed, the water was still tepid. And just as I got good and wet.....meaning I had committed to the shower and there was no going back......something in the cold water knob broke and it just started spinning....and spinning.....and spinning.....and I'm really getting in desperate need of some cold water. Now I'm naked, wet and the warm water is REALLY heating up and my backside is ON FIRE! I try hugging the wall as I'm gingerly reaching to get the cold water turned on......but it's only turning. It's not coming on. My next attempt, of course, is to turn the hot water off while trying to hug the wall so as not to burn my body parts. I did accomplish that task. So. Now. I'm stuck. I'm committed. I'm standing in the shower with no running water and with pretty much nothing to do. I'm not getting out, drying off, getting dressed and then starting all over again. So I yell for John....who doesn't hear me and finally Owen hears and comes to see what's wrong and fetches John for me.

So now I'm still committed, naked, wet, really pist off and waiting for the plumber, John, to get me some cold water so I can finish my shower. And as I'm inhabiting the rear of the shower, he's getting a screw driver and saying, "Wait a minute," in the forward end. Really? Wait a minute? What else is there to do? Fold clothes? Cook supper? There's not much to do naked and wet in the shower area EXCEPT SHOWER. Maybe if I had been so inclined I might have organized the 9 million different bottles in the shower area but I wasn't so much in the mood for naked organizationing. Finally, the primitive temporary answer was pliers to turn on the cold so I could finish my commitment. I did finish, muttering the whole time.

But is there any dignity left?

I think not.


CAW said...

oh dear LORD in heaven.....that is hilarious. NOT the not having cold water but the rest...hahaha OMG!!! maybe thats a new line of work naked organizationing....

COCO said...

"Naked organizationing" - GREAT. Now Whitney has a new specialization that BETTER NOT occur in our kitchen!