Saturday, May 15, 2010

Last Saturday Night

Last Saturday night, John and I walked pretty late. We didn't even leave the house until almost 9:00 p.m. I didn't want to go. I left with a bad attitude with the intention of keeping it the entire time. I didn't disappoint myself. We were both tired from the start and the whole thing ended up more like a stroll but, because cellulite has my home address, I somehow have to try to stay motivated.

The main reason we walk late is so we can beat the heat. We have our route mapped out and we follow it every night. There's a building not far from our house that we outline to add length to our walk and at the back of the building; there's a very deep and dark parking lot. Lots of times, there's been something "shady" going on back there. Last Saturday night as we were walking near the building, we watched a car pull in the lot and drive to the "dark spot" and turn the lights off. There's no good or logical reason for that behavior at 9:30 on a Saturday night. You have to be up to no good I say! Well as we got closer, my stomach was getting a little squishy as to whether or not we were actually gonna walk past the car but then I thought, "Oh yeah we are." The car was still running and the windows were so black you couldn't see inside except for the figure of a man on the phone. I really wanted to go over and knock on the window and say, "Stop it! Stop it right now!"

I would love to scare the begeezez out of these people.

This past week alone we saw 3 cars back there on 3 separate occasions. I'm thinking about appointing myself the parking lot police so I can be standing there as they drive in and say, "Just keep it moving!" "GO HOME!" "BEHAVE!." "Go to church!"

It ain't fittin.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK first cellulite having your home address cracked me up. Then I loved just keep it moving!! I picture the "shady people" being like what the...