Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to everyone. It takes more people than just one woman to raise children. It takes mothers, and grandmothers and aunts and sisters and daughters and cousins and friends and teachers.....and even some men. I hope I didn't leave any category out. I would never be so arrogant as to believe that all that my kids are becoming was the doing of my hand and wisdom only. There is safety in having many advisers. We're all blessed to have many many.

Today I'll honor Billie June who I think may have been the best mother of them all. Each and every one of her lovely white hairs has been earned. I'm sure many of them were "colored" by her children....mostly from the first 4 and hardly, if any at all, from Carrie and me. HA!! Get your own blog if you disagree!

Some of these pictures have been posted before but because they're so great, deserve another.

Emma took this in Corsicana on the back porch. Her eyes still have a bit of mischievousness about them.

Melanie took this at Lindsey and Bill's wedding. That was such a fun and fantastic day and Billie June looked as if she had enjoyed herself immensely.

This was taken in the 1960's when I'm sure all she was trying to do was read her newspaper and someone across the room had been saying, "Mama, Mama, Mama, MAMA!!" I'm certain it wasn't me.

Billie at the beach hiding her hot bod. That's the adorable me in the foreground and Carrie under the umbrella.

I'm sure she felt like this many many days with Dale as her son. Hahahahahahaha!!!! Can anyone say French Provincial?

Billie at work at the restaurant. She couldn't find one dress with big splashy flowers to wear to work that day.

She is another gem in our family. None of us would have made it without her.


Anonymous said...

So great such a great mom indeed and "get your on blog" haha great line

gnar car said...

she's the best grandma of all the grandma's. people should be jealous of us!

the beach picture is my fav because that pose is just hilar.

Unknown said...

Best gma ever!!!!! Love her!!!!