Friday, February 8, 2013

Christmas 2012 is finally ending

Christmas morning at the Herrock household went as planned. After a brief scavenger hunt Owen got a new phone, and the girls got Burberry scarves, which happened to be the biggest surprise I've ever pulled off. Not alone I might add. BUT it was a good start to a great day. I haven't yet discovered what year I began making them take a pic with their Christmas morning bounty, but even at their "elderly" ages, they must still do it. So scroll down and lets see what the Herrock photos look like. Just so you know, I've already seen them and there's plenty of William.

Move it people...

The girls wearing their scarves. Seriously, the biggest surprise ever. I wish I had a pic of Olivia's face when she realized it was real!
The Bubba boy was happy with his phone. FYI, if you're not handing out cars  for Christmas, teenage boys are very hard to buy for. 
Last one of my four lovelies.
Which brings me to this photo I spent most of the afternoon trying to make happen. So here's how it went. I thought I'd like to find a photo of my kids on Christmas morn from back in the day and so I began looking. Which led me to three cabinets in my den, which led me to finding so much dust atop my photo albums that I had to get the duster before I could proceed looking for the picture. Finally after the dusting and the finding, I was ready to scan the pic. But of course the scanner wouldn't work and of course I had to restart the computer multi times and of course I lost my temper.....shocking I know.....until finally, one hour later, I had my scanned photo. BUT, then it was time to go to work and then it was time to go eat with John and Owen and then it was time to go to church for a meeting and then it was time to come home and shower and watch Top Chef (Padma's getting on my last nerve) and literally 10 hours later, I'm settled into the couch at 12:33 to talk about my photo. 

Look at these faces below and the jammies and the bounty that was their Christmas from the year 2000. Emma was so happy to get her art easel as much as Olivia was to get her razor skooter/skatebaord thingy. And if Caitlin only got that bluebonnet blanket, she was royally screwed. Kidding. I know she got other stuff too. I saved Owen for last so I could discuss the game his cute little self was proudly holding. Way back in the day there were these games called Backyard Baseball and Soccer and the boy loved them so much. He would play for hours and cheat like crazy. There were settings that allowed him to choose the easy ones for him and the hard ones for the other player. Now if Owen played the computer, he could get away with it, but if he played his sister Olivia, she wouldn't let him get away with it. Shocker. I remember him getting so mad at her when she wouldn't let him cheat with the easy play for himself. But when he did against the computer, he kicked fake butt. 
I love these faces. 
And Olivia even loved Duke blue back in the day. In fact, they're all wearing blue! And I'm so happy to see they had cute pajamas because in some of the pictures I ran across, they were wearing mismatched super short pants with t shirts. Caused me to question my mothering. Also if you pay much attention to detail, very little has changed in my Christmas decorations in the last 12 years. The snow family is still at the center of the mantle and the garland is still the same exact one. I've never been one for change. In this photo, the kids are 12, 9, 8 and 5. Versus 25, almost 22, 20 and 17. When I took this picture, I was their taxi driver, and where I went they went. There were no cell phones or fancy scarves for Christmas, and the only places they were to be found was home, school, Turners, Walkers, or Grandma and Big Frank's. 

Much has changed since the year 20000. Caitlin's a graduated from college working woman with the skills to plan a football luncheon for 200 and deals with male coaches any day of the week. Bless her heart for working with testosterony men. I think Big Frank would be highly impressed with her ability to get the seat next to the head football coach on her first airplane flight ever. Emma's the Editor in Chief of the college newspaper, the ULM Warhawk. And that girl is tough (reminds me of Rebecca June)! This semester she's the the top decision maker of the 12 to 14 page paper. We don't even see her on Friday and Saturday due to deadlines. And I think Gran would be surprised, shocked and pleased that she's sort of followed in his footsteps. At least for now anyway. I guess she got some of his pressman blood in her. 

Olivia can quote just about any college basketball statistic you might want to know, because that girl knows her stuff. She's majoring in Sports Management and I'll be interested to see where she finds her place. She's almost as funny as me, but much more devious! And Wednesday, Owen was inducted into the National Honor Society at his high school. He's the most studious of all my kids (sorry girls) with a drive and passion that sometimes needs to be harnessed by his father and me. 

 After seeing that picture, I'm glad I don't want to go back. But even so, it tugs at my heartstrings as I remember their anticipation of the season and the squeals of delight on Christmas morning. John and I would listen from our bed as they discovered what Santa left in our den. And I also remember the pressure I put on myself to make all of it as perfect as possible! Many times with a wheezing wallet to show for it. But time has flown and I love and enjoy my grown kids. But for now as I look as that photo, I remember the fun we've had and the traditions we all still hold dear.

But we've moved on to designer clothes and sunglasses.
Then as always went to Grandma's where William had found himself an orange. 
Then he settled in for paper ripping. 
OK, he could have cared less about the presents.
But instead was more interested with Gee's goozle. 
One side of the room.
People have taken their positions and it seems Carrie's giving instructions. 
We're getting closer to the main event. 
William's still enjoying chewing on his orange and Owen looks sneaky. Everyone else was  waiting patiently. 
I added this photo so Owen's whole face was in a pic.
Lookin good Caitlee B.
Whitney's reacting to a song we were trying to sing and didn't know the words. 
She's not crying, she's laughing. As were others. Of course I was completely straight faced. 
Then it was time for Emma to open her gift from Austin. From the look on her face, it was a hit.
It was pretty freaking brilliant and funny. Wish I'd thought of it!
Of course mine would have said. 
My Mom's the best one ever of all time in the entire world and universe....or something like that. 
Lookin good Emma G. Well done Austino. 
Now Caitlin's opening her gift from Whitney. She had NO IDEA what it could be.
Then Lydia gave this hat to William.
I mean they don't come any cuter than this child.
He reacted a little like a cat, trying to figure out what the heck was up there. 
But he still looked super cute.
And that's what every single one of my children ever did with a super cute hat, they took it off. 
Nope not gonna wear it now.
Lets try one more time.
He liked holding it more than wearing it.
But he was glad to have it.
Looks like the room is sufficiently covered in wrapping paper.
And William has moved on to Dale.
Even with the red eye I love this pic.
And this one's a keeper as well.
But this one's great too!
And this my friends, is the last picture of this year's Christmas. 
And here's what I know. For as long as I can remember I've spent every single Christmas at my parents house with my siblings....and then their spouses....and then their children....and then my own husband and kids. And now the next generation has added some wonderful people to our family. And I'm excited about the next ones to be added, whoever you are! Adults and babies included!

And here's what I've learned, being part of a family takes time and effort and patience and commitment and love and understanding. If you think about it, family really isn't for the faint of heart. We've weathered some horribly tough times together, and I can't imagine making it through any of it without each other. It means something to be one of a bigger part. And sometimes the bigger part is what we need to help us when we're struggling on our own. 

In our family, we know that.   

And with that said, the final post of Christmas 2012 comes to a close. 

God bless us every one.  

P.S. Texas bound tomorrow. It's really the happiest place on earth. No way it's Disney. 

Peace to the people...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely post and I couldn't and wouldn't want to try this life without the big loud crazy family!! Thank you Lord for letting me be a part of it!!!