Last night the family was almost torn apart by a supper of pork chops, new potatoes and broccoli casserole. It was a HUGE controversy. Caitlin stated at the dinner table, "It's just weird knowing I'm eating a big slab of pig." Well yes, when you put it that way. I think I'll avoid all slabs of pig in the future.
Owen and I went to see his guidance counselor today and mapped out his last two years of high school. I CANNOT believe he's halfway through high school! It's unbelievable how fast life is going by. I've got to figure out how to make time slow down as soon as possible. If I come up with a formula, I'll let people know.
This afternoon we got an email from Lindsey with an update about William regarding his first cold, poor baby, and Emma said, "Every time Lindsey sends an email about William I expect a picture with it. I don't want just words." And I agree.
This week's Olympics holds much less interest for me since swimming's over. Track and field just isn't where it's at for me. I shall miss the games with rings when it's over.
Thanks to Lindsey, Emma got a 4 day babysitting job at the beach, so she'll be leaving on Thursday to take care of cute kids. BUT, she's never officially met these people. So when I asked Olivia if she wished she was doing it she said, "That's my worst nightmare." Meaning, traveling with strangers.....even if they are headed to the beach.
As I'm writing this, Owen and I are watching Dance Moms and although he thinks everyone on the show is nutso (and they are) if I start watching it while he's in the room, he becomes entranced in the craziness. It amuses me greatly.
And finally for the day, does anyone remember this awesome picture I drew a few months back? Let's just admire it again, shall we?
Well, a scandalous thing occurred while we were in Florida. When I found this in a gift shop. Coincidence?
I think not! Somehow, someone broke into my drawsome, looked through all my awesome drawsomes and stole my fantastic mermaid drawing! Thievery at its worst! I'm really quite upset. I'll eat my hat if it doesn't look just like mine. It has the EXACT same junk in the trunk as mine. I'd sue someone if I knew who to go after. I'm really very very upset.
And with that disturbing news, I'll end this post having successfully wasted time writing this and not working on Flo Rida pictures.
But for an added drawsome bonus, I've included my fantabulific Adele drawing.
I even amaze myself.
Maybe later today there will be another beach post.
But for now, I'm out sleepy sleepersons.
Well had I sent an email last night I could have attached a pic of us NOT SLEEPING.
And yes that mermaid is crazily similar to yours.
that mermaid likeness is crazy!!! how did they knowww?!
and the adele..
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