Spring break week was a huge success for me and Owen, although I got very few things done on my list of things to do. If on of my goals had been wallowing, then we both made HUGE progress in that area of our lives. Our biggest accomplishments ended up being mowing the yard and flower shopping. The boy did pretty good on his inaugural flower shopping trip. But now that he knows first hand what it entails, I doubt there'll be a second. John and I took him to lunch one day and of course there were baseball games to attend....even during spring break. Don't get me started. But thankfully the season of baseball is winding down and before I know it, summer will be upon us. Owen's first official summer job will be this year. We just have to find one for him.
Owen's booster club at last week's game.
Saturday found me working in the concession stand at a varsity baseball game. I can't describe how very hot it was with one tiny window unit working hard against fryer's frying, 6 workers body heat, as well as doors opening and closing and windows opening and closing. It was craziness. And I felt myself having to hold back the Big Frank in me wanting to tell people how to do it and when to do and it and why to do it the right way. Even after 27 years have passed since I worked in a restaurant, all I remember comes back very quickly. It's one of my most hated jobs I've ever had. FOR REALS.
But the wonderful news for me is that while working, I did something to my back and left leg, I still don't know what, and by Saturday night I couldn't move without excruciating pain. That's what being in great shape will get you. But, after many muscle relaxers and pain relievers, as well as the use of a cane, I'm now able to walk, still pretty crookedly, but I'm moving forward VERY slowly. I'm currently the tortoise and not the hare. And since work begins again for me this afternoon, I'll try my best to hide my weakness, because just like sharks, kids can smell blood in the water.....even though we aren't under water......and will try to take advantage of it. So if I don't want to find myself tied to a chair while they pelt me with rocks, I'm gonna have to paint my face happy and feeling great. I'm terrible at that so we shall see how it goes.
On a less stressful front, I'm in the process of looking for a new blog background to transition to the next season. It's one of the hardest things for me to find and be satisfied with. Stay tuned for it.
Even though Corsicana's only 5 hours away, we haven't been able to go since September. With summer coming, I hope we can get there soon. I can hear the bluebonnets calling my name. Shut up bluebonnets! I can't come right now.
Lindsey and I showed up at an event last Friday wearing the EXACT same thing. You can see the delight on my face. Lindsey couldn't be more pleased with herself. People just don't get it! This is an absolute no every single time! As you may or may not recall, last Easter multi people sabotaged my day by wearing the same color as me. THIS YEAR, I'll be keeping my outfit a secret until the morning of. Here's hoping for the best.
Yep, we both look about 8 months pregnant.
There's baseball and a storm brewing this afternoon, we'll see who wins the day. Since I've looked at the radar, my money's on the storm.
And that's it for this Monday afternoon.
Later taters....
Cute picture at Owens game.
We look adorable!!!!!!
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